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Transcribed Classes

Giving Sakaash #15


Giving_Sakaash_15                 Mohini_Didi              January 15, 2025

Om Shanti Everyone!

Do you feel you are Baba’s angel? Yes, you all are angels. When I look at each one of you, what you do the whole day, whatever efforts you make, only an angel can do it.  Angels have a harmonious personality because their mind, words, and actions are in harmony. In lokik life, it happens that actions, words, thoughts are different, and you say things that are different from what you think. It is like a conflict, a very subtle conflict between the mind, intellect, words, and actions. A harmonious personality will make you an easy yogi. Dadi Prakashmani was an easy yogi. There were many who would sit, churn, and do long hours of yoga, but Dadi was very natural. She would do Amritvela, she would do yoga, but not like us. Her stage was very good because of this harmony. So, pay attention to see that our thoughts, words, and actions are all pure and harmonious. A stable person is one whose mind, thoughts, words, and actions are the same. This makes them double light easy yogis. Whenever Brahma Baba sat for yoga, his body was naturally still. It's not that he sat forcefully. He never used force for anything, not for mind, nor for body. It is a beautiful way of life to be an easy yogi. It doesn't mean that I am careless or I am not disciplined. It means I am in harmony. Make an effort to increase your inner power, so that your words and actions are like your thoughts. Baba says that your words and actions should be filled with good wishes and pure feelings. Now, when we have to trust a person, we look at what he says and does. We really don’t know what he's thinking. People can keep to what they speak, and then they do. It might require determination, but that should be the normal way of living, that is, my thoughts, words, and actions are based on pure feelings and good wishes. Those who have a powerful and pure mind will automatically have powerful words and actions that are full of good wishes. A powerful mind means the power of remembrance will be elevated and powerful. Such souls will be easy yogis. Many people say that yoga is difficult. I don't feel love from Baba, I don’t feel Baba's presence. So, what is the root cause? There is no alignment between my thoughts, words, and actions. Sometimes we say things and we really are not able to do it. If I said it or promised to do something, then use my power of the mind to get it accomplished. For trustworthy people to trust you, it is only possible if your words and actions can be depended on. So we have to be practical, careful, respectful, and committed. That is only possible if our thoughts, our words and our actions are in alignment, while internally becoming strong and determined. So our homework is that our thoughts, words, and actions should be pure with pure feelings and good wishes. So, I think we will need to pay attention and see how it works. I am sure when we pay attention to anything, we find that we can do it. Don’t just say it. If you say it, then you have to do it.

 Om Shanti



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