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Transcribed Classes

Giving Sakaash #16


Giving_Sakaash_16                 Mohini- Didi                        January 16, 2025   

Om Shanti Happy Satguruvaar to everyone! 

Baba chose Brahma Baba to be His instrument. All of us are Baba’s instruments. Baba completed his journey and reached his destination, that is, he became perfect. Shiv Baba said that your future will be like Vishnu, and your task is establishment. Destruction happens according to drama. I don’t think Baba ever had any weak or wasteful thoughts, because wasteful thoughts make you weak.You really could sometimes feel lost, hopeless and frustrated, this causes a lot of wasteful thoughts, then negative thoughts start coming. We started this brahmin life with a lot of love and determination. We choose this journey, whether it is spiritual or physical. So, if we want to continue ascending in our journey, it is very important to have powerful thoughts. We don’t want to go up and down; we want to go constantly up like our Brahma Father. We are celebrating Baba’s Day, so always think about how Baba accomplished his journey.  Powerful thoughts are thoughts of knowledge, and always remember what Baba says, not what others say. Baba is our supreme guide, always listen to him. There are so many Sakaar Murlis, and Avyakt Murlis. Our Dadis had this habit that they would keep Murli by their bedside on a table, and they had a lamp there. They would say that if they are not able to sleep, they will turn on that lamp, and they will read Murli. Dadi Janki and Dadi Prakashmani used to share with us what Baba is saying, and instantly internally they will become light, and then go back to sleep. We also have to use these methods, instead of concern and worry about what will happen. Some people complain that they are not able to sleep. I say that it is all right, because your devotees can be served while you're awake. If you are not able to sleep the other method really is to read Murli.  For two minutes, just take what Baba is saying, remember Baba, then powerful thoughts will instantly help you.The more you keep increasing your remembrance, your powerful thoughts will make your journey easier, enjoyable, and what you share with others will also be helpful to them. So, we don’t have to go up and down, because of any circumstances, just keep going up and up. Baba said we are angels, so keep this thought. For angels nothing is difficult, they are very light, double light. Just as you set a timetable for your physical activities according to each daily program, in the same way, also set a program for a powerful state of mind. Baba says that the busier you keep your mind in having powerful thoughts, the less your mind will have time to get upset. To have a set mind means to be concentrated, so your good vibrations will automatically spread everywhere. Then service will take place. The way you think will also serve. This is  where service begins. When Baba started having visions he became detached from the family. He surrendered everything, not only wealth but total life, mind and body. It is  not just knowledge. He used his money to provide facilities for the children. Baba started a yagya, and a spiritual family was born, now so many are coming. Baba never had this thought why I’m being defamed. He tolerated everything, because this is God’s task. It is not only for Shiv Baba that he tolerated so much, but also, for all of us. It is amazing where we are today. Baba is with us. So, always have powerful thoughts.    

 Om Shanti 



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