Giving_Sakaash_17 Mohini_Didi January 17, 2025
Om Shanti Everyone!
You saw in Pandav Bhavan how they prepared so many beds of flowers, right? Souls from different states bring truckloads of flowers to Pandav Bhawan in January. Also, about a thousand sevadharis come to do the decoration. Everyone appreciates, and we speak words of gratitude and good wishes. If for some reason, someone is lacking in something, if we really appreciate that soul and express our good wishes, that means so much to the soul. We are saying that you're doing well. So you sow the seeds. Every thought and every word are seeds. This is how Baba's garden of flowers blossomed. Every time everyone is cheerful, it is because they have been sharing good words and good thoughts. Our personality of royalty develops with this practice. As you know, royal people don't say too much, they say as much as necessary, and whatever is necessary. We have to help the souls blossom and become strong. When someone is happy, they are more focused. If internally there's disturbance, waste thoughts here and there, then the quality of their actions and concentration of their mind reduces. So, while doing service with words, also do service with the mind. Let yourself and others experience your mind to be automatically full of the pure vibrations. Let blessings continue to emerge from your mouth and mind for all the souls at every moment. Let your mind be constantly busy in doing the service. If you don't get any service to do, you experience yourself to be empty. Baba says that together with doing service with words, let service with your mind also continue to take place automatically. When somebody gives me good wishes or blessings, how do I feel? So, this is how others will also feel. This year especially, make this service natural. I will need blessings, but everyone needs blessings also. When you give blessings, the return is blessings. You have good wishes, then the return is good wishes and good words. The energy atmosphere all over will be a beautiful atmosphere like the decoration of flowers. The garden is full and beautiful because of the vibrations, loveful drishti, and cheerful faces. This is what the Golden Age is about, right? Baba had said that I don't do destruction, people do it. What I give is the creation of a new world. It seems like a lot of service is happening, Baba’s children are very attentive to their stage. Brahmin, so Angel, Angel so deity, right? Now change has to happen, transition has to happen. Don't think of what is happening in the Iron Age, but in your mind, create heaven. Keep your heavenly peace, and heavenly love. Something is needed by us, it is said that if fire doesn't reach, then smoke reaches. So, we have to internally keep emerging the Golden Age, the new world. Let our vibrations also help other souls.
Om Shanti