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Transcribed Classes

Giving Sakaash #18


Giving_Sakaash_18                     Mohini_ Didi         January 18, 2025

Om Shanti Everyone!

Happy day of remembrance. Baba’s blessing is, “Be happy and let happiness be in your fortune.” Everyone wants to be happy, but it's not easy, right? You need to be fortunate for that. At the Confluence Age we create our fortune. Today we had a program in Harmony House and I think many of you were there. I saw many of Baba's new children, and I thought how much they know Brahma Baba. I thought that at least for three days, there should be just a program on Brahma Baba's life, when he started, how Shiv Baba entered him and spoke gyan, and then his renunciation. I think we should do it properly so that the new ones also have an understanding that he is the founder of the organization, and also the instrument of God. I know in Hindi there is a book called Adi Dev and Ek Adhbut kahani, but it is very detailed. The book ‘Adi Dev' was rewritten in english by a brother in California a long time ago. It is very good. It is good to read and let people know more about Brahma Baba. Maybe we can read in the morning after Murli for ten minutes until the end of January, or until we have the program. I had a feeling that they could really receive much more if they knew Baba’s story. Many of you have read Adi Dev, but what about the new ones? Brahma Baba was an example of service through the mind from day one. That is why we never saw his old sanskars emerging, and never saw him being affected by any obstacles. There was a lot of opposition and criticism in the beginning. I don’t think any of us experienced  that much. What was very good was that internally he was a clean, honest, and an obstacle free instrument. Everyone just received happiness and blessings. He had so many children yet, no one ever received any sorrow, he loved everyone. If you saw the characters that came to Baba at that time, you would be surprised to see them today, all of them are very good, serviceable instruments. Today they are able to give talks and share their experiences. It is very beautiful. Baba was a great example of serving through the mind, and that is why he was obstacle free. So many left the Yagya but they didn't forget Baba, they had difficulties with their own sanskars, so they couldn't understand what it is to be in a loveful relationship. Baba always thought about service, so mansa seva was one of his specialties. Baba is saying to let service with thoughts be natural. Just as service with words has become natural, similarly, let the service with thoughts also be natural. Together with serving with words, also continue to serve with your mind. You will have to speak less. So with the help of serving with your mind, the energy you use in speaking will be accumulated. The powerful service of the mind will give you the experience of greater success. So in the month of January, we will pay attention to serving through thoughts in a natural way. 

Om Shanti



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