Giving_Sakaash_23 Mohini_ Didi January 23, 2025
Om Shanti
Happy Satguruvaar to everyone!
Satguru Baba always gives Shrimat for what is required at this time, Baba said to create His presence through your thoughts, words, and actions, so that you can remain free from obstacles. Obstacles will come according to Drama, but it will not have any impact on you. So, Baba’s Maha Mantra is very good. When we are listening to Avyakti signals, If our attitude is unlimited then our every thought, every moment, and every breath is serving the whole world. So, continuously have this in your mind, that it is going all over the whole universe. A lot of people pray loudly, sometimes we ask,”Why do you pray so loudly?” They say,”So that our sound can spread all over the world.” They speak loudly, but we become the embodiment of Baba’s love and mercy. Our remembrance of Baba also spreads, and it gives power to many souls. Baba reminds us that we are all world benefactors. We have to always keep that in our awareness. Baba is saying that the busier you keep yourself in serving with your mind, that much easier you will become the conqueror of Maya. Maya comes in very subtle forms because of our ego.Today, I was thinking that determination is something you have to keep increasing. Let there be an increase in faith and determination to accomplish my goal. Do not be passionate only about yourself, but also do the service of transforming others with your good wishes and pure feelings. We transform because Baba has high vision for us. When He begins Murli, Avyakt Bapdada always talks to our complete form. Baba said that let there be a balance of those pure feelings for service with the study of knowledge. Sometimes we have good feelings in a devotional way. Baba says that knowledge is also important, to have a balance of pure feelings and knowledge. Lot of people just have bhavana, but not necessarily knowledge. Bhavana only, doesn't work, we need to inculcate knowledge also. Have a balance of love and yoga. Baba says that you have become benefactors, now become unlimited world benefactors. Everyone of Baba's children are doing so much service in whatever way they can. Whether giving classes or cooking for the family, serving somewhere or the other, because it's yagya, it's an unlimited family. We take care of yagya in so many different ways. Our love for yagya should continue. It should have good sustenance and a good atmosphere. Everyone's intention really is good, but whatever action you're doing, think globally, act locally. That means when you are doing service locally, automatically everything goes all over the world. So keep the unlimited awareness that you are doing service to the world. Lots of people think a lot, so use the mind in this unlimited, global service. Think for the whole world but act locally. In this way, what you're doing will become the pattern others will follow. It is really interesting, when you think about how in the whole universe, your sound, your words, and your thoughts are reaching all over the world. So you all are world benefactors. Just keep this awareness, and you will feel that this is what we have to do, be unlimited World Servers.
Om Shanti