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Giving Sakaash #24


 Giving_Sakaash_24                   Mohini_ Didi                   Jan 24, 2025   

Om Shanti everyone!! 

Is everyone okay, no problem right? Always think of solutions. There is always a solution to everything. Today Baba is giving a new concept to experience the benefit of  Baba knowledge, it is not just another point of knowledge. If we take a point of knowledge and we create awareness based on that point. With your intellect, see the benefit, then you will experience some benefit that becomes your treasure. We do it  sometimes during the day, even when we get busy in action and forget,ctions create awareness while doing actions so that the atmosphere that also which is created does lot of service and to be example Baba is saying sample. I remember Baba used to tell us when we start doing service that even when Baba has to travel like a businessman travels takes the best sample right, so that  get more clients and more business right so today Baba is also saying remain constantly busy in doing service. With service creating awareness is very important. That is where the self becomes perfect right if I’m doing only service without any proper awareness, it’s a good action and action brings the fruit but the soul has to we are not only waiting for fruit of good action but soul has to be perfect and it is through awareness then the progress, and the benefit, Baba’s help many experiences will come that makes soul perfect contentment so let’s see what Baba is saying serving with your mind is doing unlimited service. Words can never be unlimited right but service through the mind so Baba said to the extent that you become a sample by serving with your mind and words Baba says then so others will automatically be attracted in seeing the sample. I think we need attention on that more than what we are doing right because service through mind is unlimited words I am speaking actions I am doing are limited so if action and awareness right action of service is a good action but internally in the mind there are thoughts or you know sometimes in service Maya interferes in many different ways so it’s not unlimited service and we want to do unlimited service right all of us. It’s very interesting while caring any physical activity do the service with your mind of spreading vibrations. Like a lamp will spread light essential stick will spread fragrance right so what Baba is saying when there is a awareness there are vibrations there are no vibrations in actions right but while doing actions while speaking when there is awareness, there will be vibrations and that is unlimited service. You don’t know who will be touch where I know that once something was happening in other part of the world, and some birds and some they flew across ocean and brought virus, too many far of countries so your vibrations can also reach anywhere right it can reach Africa it can reach India it can reach anywhere so that is how you are world server right whenever since few days I’ve been thinking my every thought is reaching somewhere someone is being touched so while carrying out any physical activity, do the service with your mind of spreading vibrations. So while cooking stop for a moment, remind yourself what am I doing for whom am I cooking? I have to cook for Baba you know. For instance, a businessman would look after the business even in the dreams. What sample I will make what I will make right so Baba saying your work of benefiting the world is also that it’s a business right? This is your occupation so remain constantly busy doing this service by keeping your occupation in your awareness so it should really awareness should become very natural in us. Like a diamond merchant won’t forget ever during day that I am a diamond merchant. It’s not that suddenly he will say oh I have a grocery shop no I am a diamond merchant so world benefactor you know anything which you do right accurate properly on any level as a student as a board member as a any capacity even very simple Karma yoga the awareness is I am a world server because that example that sample there are certain good examples in Peace Village when the guest comes or even Brahmin family comes they notice something and they talk about it and they talk wherever they go they talk same example that we were very touched and then it goes and goes everywhere so that is why whatever we have to do awareness and a good example and I think that you know that’s how Baba wants us to be unlimited world server, spreading vibrations or even an action setting a good example so we will keep that awareness tomorrow my businesses is world benefactor, and see how we feel the difference in our quality of words, difference in our actions how will a world benefactor speak what will world benefactor do so it’s from awareness that things will change definitely and we all will benefit by it. Om Shanti.



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