Giving_Sakaash_3 Mohini_ Didi January 3, 2025
Om Shanti!
Baba’s teachings are according to the need of the time, because whatever is happening now will increase in the future even more. Baba wants his children not only to be safe mentally, physically, and emotionally, but also to be a good instrument, because our life is not just to live for ourselves. Our life is to serve, give everyone Baba's message, and be cooperative to all. We are at service, so it’s not that we have to be serious, it doesn't mean that we don't laugh and be happy. Internally, when we pay attention then, actually I realize how important it is to myself. When we have some understanding or insight, then I have to remind myself the next day a few times. Reminding myself will help me create that stage. For example, reminding myself,“I am a double light angel.” Yesterday Baba said this, and so however many times I practiced, and as many times as I practiced, that much I will have experience, and it becomes my stage. This is how the percentage increases. This realization only comes because I had been practicing this. I think that each one of us will really have that stage, and when the time comes, we will be affected by internal and external circumstances. When my stage is stable in a natural way, then it will be like nothing. We cannot change external situations and circumstances, but I can make myself stronger. So, I think this whole service of sakaash is to make our minds very powerful, very strong. Also being a lighthouse, mighthouse, double light angel, we will be able to help many other souls. Baba is said to constantly do the service of giving sakaash. There is no question of health or time in it. Actually, when you’re not well, instead of thinking about what could happen, a lot of thoughts come when your body is not well. Let me give sakaash to my own body. You can be engaged in doing this unlimited service day and night. The only solution for everything is really sakaash. We have to use it more and more, then you really will see a lot of miracles. Whatever you’re thinking of, will appear, it will come. A lot of good things can happen. You can be engaged in doing the unlimited service day and night. You saw Brahma Baba even during the night time he would be awake, he was doing the service of giving unlimited sakaash. Maybe devotees are calling you, so follow the father in the same way. When you children give sakaash in an unlimited way, those who are close will automatically continue to take that sakaash. By giving this unlimited sakaash, the atmosphere will automatically be created.The atmosphere requires you to give good energy, even for our plants you keep enough light, water, and air. Every human being, every soul, requires that you keep the atmosphere filled with love and light. You know all different things should be there in the atmosphere for the well-being of the self and others. You get suffocated immediately when you’re in a place which is polluted or doesn’t have fresh air or not enough light. Now, it’s our duty to create that atmosphere, and let everyone feel good and happy. Everything will go on in a good way.
Om Shanti