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Transcribed Classes

Giving Sakaash #4


Giving_Sakaash_4               Mohini _Didi                    January 4, 2025

Om Shanti Everyone!

It is interesting to think of sakaash as rays of love, peace, and joy. Can you limit the rays? When I think of sunlight, you can draw curtains, you can block it. The sun rays spread all over. What limits our ability to spread the rays of sakaash is ‘I’ and ‘mine’. You have the responsibility to take care of the students at your place, but without being  restrictive and bossy. All are my family, all are Baba’s. This feeling of my unlimited family, I should be happy to see my unlimited family. I see in the USA so many open centers. They're my family, so I think there is this feeling of belonging, they belong to me and I belong to them. I get a lot of love from everyone from everywhere. If our feelings are like that, then they have such feelings for me also. Today, we had a little gathering for the New Year. The entire region was present and I was so happy to see them. I used to travel to Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and all Latin American countries. Today, I was thinking that there was so much love. I think we have to enjoy the unlimitedness now, go beyond what you know, and trust is important. If I trust them, they will trust me. If I love, I'll receive love. We have to be unlimited. Baba is saying that Brahmin children are the trunk and the whole tree receives sakaash from the trunk. Like first water goes to the trunk, then it goes to all the branches. So, now become those who give sakaash to the world. If you have 20 centers or 250 centers you will not be able to give sakasah to the unlimited. We created these centres and subzones just for administration purposes, not to be your territories. This is not mine. This is for the sake of how to manage, so we have created different regions or zones. Then, those in charge start to think that this is my territory. They feel that the students belong to them. If they have anyone, a brother or sister, who is an expert in something, I would like to think that expertise should be used in an unlimited way. There are some who might say, “Oh no, nobody should know about them. No, they shouldn't go anywhere.” They won’t allow it. So, that kind of control is limited, to keep someone limited. Let everyone be unlimited. Let me also be unlimited. Therefore, constantly stay beyond any limits and begin the part of being unlimited like the sun. Begin the part of doing unlimited service. Then you will automatically become free from anything that is limited. To have transformation with unlimited sakaash will result in fast service. What is there to just keep serving a few souls? If through my thoughts, I can serve the whole world, why not? So, internally just motivate yourself and allow yourself to be giving sakaash to unlimited world transformation. Become world masters, like my Baba, who is the World Master. Whether it is seva, whether it is belonging, sharing with each other, all has to be unlimited. 

Om Shanti



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