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Transcribed Classes

Giving Sakaash #5


Giving_Sakash_5                               Mohini_Didi                     January 5, 2025   

Om Shanti!

The month of January is a special month with special signals, and special seva. So take advantage, because there are so many who are saying that some or other in January everyone has inspiration to bring transformation in the self. Also to use the power of silence, good wishes, and sakaash. I was mentioning yesterday in the regional meeting, to check every hour to see if there is increased understanding and then changing that into awareness. Everyone has a lot of knowledge, but that knowledge needs to change into awareness, and that is only possible if every hour at least, we do the drill. Whether you take that from the blessing or avyakti signal, keep doing some kind of reminder, because that reminder is like practice and that will create your stage. A stage is called ‘sthiti’, then our external situations and circumstances are called ‘parishiti’. Time really will be critical very soon, a lot of external changes will happen. My own internal stage and practice of serving through  thoughts, good wishes, silence, and unlimited sakaash will be my protection. Baba said that let the good wishes in your heart reach all souls. We always intellectually have good wishes, and say that I have good wishes for everyone but not from the heart. What is the difference between having good wishes based on knowledge, but really not from the heart? The difference is that the heart 's good wishes will reach others. Baba wants us to reveal the power of silence. The real silence is something where my responses, my action and reaction will reveal how deeply I'm using the power of silence. Simply let this power emerge in your mind and in your body, that means, through your words and expression. Also through your eyes and physical presence. Let the power of silence emerge in your mind and your body, because the body gets healed at a cellular level. Our health has a lot to do with our vibrations. Baba says that let the thoughts in your mind become concentrated in a second, then the vibrations of the power of silence will automatically continue to spread into the atmosphere. So, it's my responsibility, my service, to create the atmosphere of good wishes, love, silence, and concentration. Baba wants me to give unlimited sakaash in the month of January. Baba said in Murli this morning, “Just be lovely and when you are sharing love, share as much as I receive from Baba in yoga.” I share so that the atmosphere becomes very loveful, and in that atmosphere many souls will be touched and there will be a pull for more souls to come to Baba's home for Baba's knowledge. That is real service at this time. Even if we give the course, read Murli, but they will be inspired when we have such an atmosphere. I think in January we should see the result of that power of silence and power of yoga, and that will be true service for us. 

Om Shanti 



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