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Transcribed Classes

Giving Sakaash #6


Giving_Sakash_6                             Mohini_Didi                       January 6, 2025   

Om Shanti!

I feel Baba’s rays of love, light, and powers, as if I am sitting in that sakaash. When we go into Baba's room, we take drishti from Baba, and feel Shiva Baba’s rays of light and might around Brahma Baba. We should also practice sitting and feel that Baba is giving sakaash to us. As much as you feel that it will help, you see how that sakaash can be shared with others also. I receive from Baba by sitting under the canopy of Baba’s sakaash all the time. It only takes a minute. Let me sit under the canopy of Baba’s sakaash. You will not only be protected, you will feel powerful. Whatever subtle sanskars or weaknesses there are will disappear. I find that there are still some subtle traces that emerge through our sanskars. It could be anxiety, fear, uncertainty, or worry. So many thoughts emerge in my mind. I had the feeling to sit under the canopy of Baba’s protection, then Baba’s rays of light erased all my weaknesses from past sanskars. Mama used to say that when you have been sick for a long time, your disease is treated, but the weakness remains. We have conquered vices but the sanskars in many different forms emerge, and they become our feelings, thoughts, and emotions. I realize that only when I am merged in Baba’s sakaash will the influence of those sanskars disappear. I also felt that the bodiless stage is very important, the vibrations are a little different. Thoughts of many people could affect the body, but if I just sit under the canopy of Baba’s sakaash, I will protect myself from all those vibrations. I am giving to others, and then receiving from others too, maybe in the form of love or cooperation. You children have to give sakaash through your elevated and powerful thoughts. Give power to those who are weak. Use your time for your own efforts, and give cooperation to others. This subtle service can make many things happen. To give cooperation to others means to accumulate for yourself. Whatever I am doing, I am getting the return. Now spread such a wave that you don't take salvation, but you give salvation. The receiving is merged in giving. Sit under the canopy of Baba’s sakaash, and then give to other souls through your elevated thoughts. What you will receive from there, I think, will definitely be very helpful. 

I have been thinking a lot about what Baba says, that we can create an atmosphere. Self transformation is world transformation. The month of January is the month when we focus on following Brahma Baba. Brahma baba had so many big obstacles and difficulties, but because he was under Shiv Baba’s sakaash, he was always victorious. Of course, there were many sisters and brothers in the beginning. His own strength was from one Shiv Baba until the end. He looked well, his health was good, as if nothing had happened in his life. That is because he didn’t let anything affect him. Today, I was thinking how Baba managed everything. So, sitting with the awareness of Shiv baba being on the top, BapDada and I are sitting under, receiving. Whether you sit in yoga, silence, or traffic control, continue to receive sakaash from Baba, and then automatically it spreads. We don't think of giving sakaash, but if I have light and might, that will spread automatically. Whatever thoughts I have, the vibrations will be the same. So, the month of January is really a month for not only making good efforts, but also doing service of a different kind. That is where subtle service is, and that giving is receiving. 

Om Shanti



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