Giving_Sakaash_9 Mohini_ Didi January 9, 2025
Om Shanti
Happy Satguruvaar to everyone! Is everyone okay? Powerful? How lovely it is that Baba has given us Avyakti Parivar? Every night we meet and fill ourselves with jewels of knowledge. I think it's our fortune that Baba has created this for us, so that we could be together every evening. Otherwise, generally we finish evening meditation, and usually not much activity after that. I was thinking that Baba helps us earn an income. During the year, there was a lot of spiritual strength, but on the other side, there were also a lot of challenges. Challenges are like settling, but also, Baba is giving us so much. To give teachings, advice, direction by God Himself, and for us to receive, is our fortune. These days everyone is asking, “What should I do, what will happen, should I do this or not?" Baba is giving us very clear directions so we have to follow. Don't miss any signal that Baba is giving. There will always be different scenes of Drama. Remind yourself that these are scenes of Drama. Just go beyond. Today, I was listening to a very beautiful class from Dadi Gulzar. She said, “I want to give you a gift, and that is a gift of a Viman. This Viman is your own mind, and the wings are enthusiasm and Courage.” The Dadis explain knowledge in such a simple way, yet very practical. Even if someone criticizes, or says something negative, never take sorrow. She said that if somebody gives you a glass of dirty water, you would not drink that. If we continue thinking about what others are saying and doing, that means your karmic account is not settled. If you don't take sorrow, and don't think about that person, that means your karmic account is settled. I like that point, and I thought I would share it with all of you. Whenever a thought comes up about who said what, that means you continue with your karmic account. If you want to finish it, don’t think about it. If you are beyond it, that means it is settled. So, this year pay attention not to take any sorrow from anywhere. Of course, for that, what is required is a powerful mind full of good wishes. In order to transform the five elements, you sit and talk to them, spread good vibrations to change the tamoguni vibrations.To keep yourself safe from that atmosphere of unnecessary bloodshed, and to give cooperation to all the souls, make your mind powerful and full of good wishes and good feelings. On one hand, everything is easy, but we need to pay more attention and be careful. Everything tamoguni is increasing, so we have to become satopradhan. One of the points Dadi Gulzar mentioned is that if you get thoughts again and again about what others are saying, that means you haven't become Satopradhan, only Sato. In Sato, you still have a little sorrow, but in the Satopradhan stage, you feel joy, happiness, and purity, no negative or wasteful thoughts. Now is the time for us to be Satopradhan. I do not look at anyone’s sanskars. When you are Satopradhan, nothing can touch you. You will feel the vibrations of the new world or heaven. There will be nothing from the old world or hell. So, this stage is very important. When I am Satopradhan, I will be generous and constantly bestow to all.
Om Shanti