Treasures_of_Happiness_7 Mohini_Didi May 7, 2024
Om Shanti!
Is everyone well? Everyone’s body okay? Baba is saying to keep your body well. Even if it is not well, just be happy, and happiness will make it well. Baba is talking a lot about not wasting time. Baba says that even five minutes of the Confluence Age is very valuable, every second is valuable. Now one is spiritual, the other is lokik, and the third is wasting time. Baba is saying not to waste your moments, your breath, because there is connection of these three energies. Thought uses breath and time. All three are combined. That means that if one goes, all three go.Thought takes time, so it is valuable. We always need to balance life. Even with Baba’s remembrance, we have to make it entertaining.That’s why Baba says to think about different relationships. So then there is the experience of joy, happiness, and power. Just imagine the Dadis, they spent 60 or 70 years. In the end, you all must have noticed that Dadi Janki used to laugh so much for everything. When I met Dadi, she was so serious. So I used to laugh and say, “Dadi,I love Dadi Prakashmani more than you”, and she would say, “Why?” I said “Because she is joyful. She makes us happy, plays with us, takes us for a picnic. You only talk about knowledge and tapasya.” You all must have noticed that in the end, every little thing she would say, then she would laugh. So, that means she accumulated the treasure of happiness. She accumulated, and that’s why she was able to be very happy. So all of us, especially when circumstances are difficult, adverse, demanding, that is the time to maintain happiness. Also paying attention where the wastage is happening, when the mind is disturbed about anything. Baba says, “Don’t disturb your mind, keep your mind happy.”
So tomorrow, we will pay attention and that is happiness of the mind. If your body is ill, the illness of your body should not disturb your mind. Constantly continue to dance in happiness, and even then your body will become that. Let your body go with the happiness of your mind, and both will be exercised. Happiness is the blessing, and exercise is the medicine. A happy person creates a very light and loveful atmosphere. When you are happy, the whole atmosphere, energy, everyone around you, they feel happy. When you have both blessings and medicines, everything becomes easy. Even if it’s a big task, a joyful person would say, “Oh yes, we can do it, it’s not difficult, anything, even if it’s a big task. There are some who, as soon as they hear they have to do that, they start thinking about how we will do it, it's too much, we can’t do it. So, when their mind starts thinking like that, they find it difficult. We have a Mother's Day program coming up Sunday and we have invited all nearby centers to join us. So the expected crowd could be up to 300. We have to make bhog, so one of the brothers said, “It’s not a big thing.” I said, “Sure!.” His nature is light, easy, and always happy. So any big task, when there is happiness, becomes easy, that's what Baba says. When you are happily doing it, others like to come, cooperate, and offer help very nicely. So as Baba says, “Anything external shouldn’t cause you to lose happiness.” Maintain happiness, and tasks will be accomplished. Everything will be okay, your body will be well. Okay, be happy and be easy.
Om Shanti