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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #1


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_1                       Mohini_Didi                     Aug 1, 2024   

Om Shanti!

You know that the month of August is also the month of Dadi Prakashmani. August 25 is when Dadi became an angel. Her life was very interesting, the way she advised us, the way we were sustained. Also, when Brahma Baba was about to leave the body, he was sitting on the bed and Dadi Prakashmani had gone to Madhuban just for a few days.  She was in Bombay, and Baba told her to stay longer in Madhuban. When Baba was leaving the body, he held the hand of Dadi Prakashmani, kind of handing over of Yagya responsibilities. Then we all came to know that he became angelic. It’s a long story. Her life was exemplary, she was fifteen when she came, but we always ask Dadi how you became number one. She used to tell me a lot of things about how you should be number one too. It’s Baba’s task, take responsibility. You will see a little bit of Dadiji during this month on Avyakti Parivar. There are 100+ of Baba’s children to run it. Now they will find videos of Dadi. So, somebody has been given that task and many young ones, old ones, some translate, we have nine translators in every program. So many duties and roles running in the background. Eric from Montreal says no one creates a show for four and a half years as you all do.  Avyakti Parivar is quite a big production and quite a big show. There hasn’t been any hitch, and it goes very smoothly. This shows the dedication of those who are able to do it. So, even if I forget about special celebrations, when I see the video I am reminded. It is Dadi’s day, so I think that you all should make an attempt to watch each show this month at home, or at least next morning on YouTube. You will really see many things about Dadi. For thirty days, every day there will be some kind of teaching. Very enriching for us. We get so much, so why not take it. 

Baba says that we are to have a loving intellect even at the time of destruction. Actually everyday in life certain things happen where you are failing or something is falling. Something is happening which is not very constructive. Even sometimes you say certain words which you know you shouldn’t have said, which means there would be a non-loving intellect at the time of destruction. Whenever there is an adverse situation happening, maintain a loveful intellect. There is always the possibility of adverse situations, atmosphere, karmic accounts, whether it is from someone coming to you or yourself. Whenever you find that there is a negative trend of descending, energy becomes low, your mind is really not very powerful today, you are not feeling happy, then all times, maintain your loving intellect. It's not only in the end that I have to maintain a loving intellect, because you don’t know which moment could be the end of certain things. Many call themselves Brahmins but they don’t follow Shrimat. Whatever happens they feel Baba has to help. So, when we request Baba, Baba smiles. Many people come to me when things go wrong. I said, “But you didn’t ask when you started doing it, I could have helped you to decide in the beginning.” Now through the power of yoga and through your own connection, how much Baba can help you? Our good wishes are there. A non-loving intellect can be at any moment because since we say,” I am Baba’s child, I am a BK”, but not following accurately, whether it is principle, whether it is lifestyle, or when using our mind, body, wealth, remember there is Shrimat there. So, that is why it is said that loving intellect is victorious. Your slogan is also that those who have loving intellect at the time of destruction are victorious. Baba says that a divorced intellect leads to destruction, in the sense of loss and deceit and fraud. So do not have a divorced intellect at the time of destruction, but have a loving intellect. Then look at yourself too. Do I have a loving intellect all the time? So, the homework is “all the time”. Do I ever have a divorced intellect? When there is conflict then there is divorce, that is separation. So, anyway, churn, reflect, try to look into your life and see where I can catch up and follow our Satguru Baba and His Shrimat. 

Om Shanti 



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