Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_10 Mohini_Didi August 3, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
I think that you must have read Adi Dev, when Brahma Baba started getting these beautiful divine visions and it took him time to be clear what had to be done. As soon as it became clear, he started chanting ‘Om’ at his home. In those days, the communities would share the neighborhood, so they started coming with many of their friends and relatives. It became a gathering of 1000 that used to come, and out of those, the message was shared, and many started coming with parents. So not only were there young ones, but old ones, also. I shared in my experience that one of my aunties just got married and at the same time Om Mandali started, so the two of them decided to come and stay. My grandfather was upset that they just got married and now they wanted to live a life of purity. So he said that no one should look at the Brahma Kumaris because they put on some they call it ‘surma’ in the eyes, that you see things differently. So, that kind of publicity went on, but one thing which I’m thinking about is called lokik and alokik. Lok means world or from this world, and alokik means not from this world. In other words, it is spiritual or angelic. So there is lokik life, and it changes to alokik. When it is alokik, you don’t say much. I don’t say ‘my father’, the father of my body. Now I have lokik and alokik, Brahma baba and Shiv baba. So the language has changed quite a lot. I am thinking about when Baba was mentioning the costume decorated with jewels and diamonds, but I don’t know if it is attractive. Maybe there must be some different meaning, and I thought it might be alokik. Keep thinking until it becomes more clear. Love for the costume decorated with jewels, since you have died alive, taken a new birth, and adopted new sanskaras, why do you have love for the costume of old sanskars? It means the costume is very connected with the sanskaras or nature and features. Everything comes from sanskaras. So that’s what Baba meant about old sanskars. We have old costumes, and Baba had been talking about loving intellect . So have a loving intellect, finish all the old accounts of weaknesses, defects, lack of power, sensitivity, and become victorious. Do not put aside the costume decorated with jewels and have love for the costume that is old. So reflect on that, because we heard all these points from Avyakt Murlis, and that’s why they are called avyakt signals. We don’t remember all these points from Murlis. So, Baba gave us another chance to reflect and use those points to create sanskars of the new world, new sanskars for the new costume. Think about it.
Om Shanti