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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #11


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_11             Mohini_Didi            August 11, 2024

Om Shanti!

Everyone okay, everyone good? Everyone looks very well. Some of you were with us during the weekend of bhatti, the celebration of Rakhi. It was a very beautiful big family, and everyone was saying that we should have it every year. Everyone was very happy. The word is stage, but in Hindi they say ‘sthiti’, and circumstances are called ‘paristhiti’. Now, the lokik word ‘stage’ is that you are on the stage to perform your role, your part. So, I had been recently thinking that when I heard this word, Dadi uses ‘stage’. Now when we use knowledge or we use any virtue or we use any power, when you use it a few times, then it becomes your stage. Like I use patience and I found that it was very beautiful to have patience. That becomes like a certain percentage 40, 60, then 80. Your stage means that you are stable. So circumstances and whatever happens, should make us strong and more and more stable. You say, “Well we went through this before, it's not new.” Also your experience of that time helps you to be very stable. So this is what Baba says bodiless stage is. That's what I do when there are certain difficult situations for the body and it affects the mind. So there are two things: the body and the mind. How much you can do for the body?  At least you can do for the mind, in the sense of let me be bodiless, I am soul, this is my body, I am an angel. Withdraw from your body or give your body a lot of good feelings. So then the effect of the external situation has been controlled or reduced by the mind, and it helps the body. Especially with me, I do this many times. Okay, this is what it is and I have to be in this situation for another two hours. So in my mind, I start practising bodiless stage, angelic stage. So there is less impact of the situation on the body, and when you come off that situation, it could have been very damaging but it's less, very little. Whether it is tiredness or whether it is any kind of sickness. So, Baba tells us about bodiless stage, angelic stage, point of light, incorporeal stage. These are the stages that we should practise when there are adverse situations but also in any situation. So much happens every minute, and nothing should go into our feelings, nothing should affect our emotions, because then our stage fluctuates. 

So how to have love for Baba, love with Baba, so that nothing goes in our awareness, in our consciousness. We stay out, we listen and we see but we don't start thinking or start having wasteful thoughts. That is where love for Baba, there are some souls who say, “Oh God, oh Bhagwan, hey Bhagwan”. You know something comes out of the mouth, but here it is more about remembering Baba right? So, it says that some children force their love but fulfil it numberwise. Their time changes in terms of fulfilling their responsibility. They have the aim and their qualifications to fulfil that aim are different. If there is a lack of fulfilment, even in one relationship, then you cannot come in the list of those who fulfil their responsibility. To fulfil a responsibility means to fulfil it no matter what the situation. The situation is connected with the soul. Remember only Father first in any situation, then you will be set to be victorious with a loving intellect. I saw the Dadis, a time came when people were talking about so many things. They come or they talk in front of the Dadis but they don't say anything, they don't comment. We saw that they are detached observers but they didn't take it in their mind. Sometimes you are surprised that they are listening but they’re not responding or reacting to any of the situation. So it's really beautiful to have that stage. I think we all should pay attention to listening to something, but keeping love for Baba in the heart, so it doesn't create any kind of ripples or reactions in our thoughts.

Om Shanti




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