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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #12


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_12               Mohini_Didi               August 12, 2024

Om Shanti!

Is everyone ok? Yes, were we together last kalpa like this? Somebody asked me how do I develop this capacity? How do I really emerge and be clear that this is just the part I play? So one of the qualities that is very important is introversion. Just go in and just have some quiet moments and see what is emerging in you. Then if that becomes a habit, the feelings will emerge and then you will know that yes, this is truly what I did last kalpa. Gradually, internally, you find that your part is also emerging. Then you definitely know that I have to play this part. One time, I can relate a lot more when we needed a retreat place, we used to do retreats in Albany, and there were many places where you could rent and go. So we had to take a truckload of food and stuff, and every time we had to bring back Dadi Janki, Ratan Mohini Dadi. Whenever the Dadis come, you can’t keep people here, so we will go, so that we all can be together with them for a few days. So Avyakt Bapdada said, Dadi said, and all the family in this region said that we do need a place, and I was thinking that naturally, it is more responsibility. So we saw many properties, and then we went to see this property of Peace Village. So when there was an Auction, I told them to stop at 2, and somebody put 2.1. So they got the property. Ten of us were there, and when they came out, one of them was crying. I said, “Why are you crying? We still have our money, it’s not like we lost it. I always believe that whatever belongs to Baba, nobody can take it, and if it doesn't let go, I don't ever decide under pressure for any property.” So I always had that faith, and after about 2-3 months the owner called and said that the other party couldn't put together the money. Are you all still interested? We said ‘yes’. Before that, I was sitting there even if they said we lost it, but one second I was retired my eyes closed, and I felt like this is like Madhuban, the mountain and sunset, and so I said this is Baba’s property. Inside, like I'm feeling, it’s Baba’s property and when we got a call then it started, and then everything which I wanted, we all have to do together, is like Madhuban. Baba will guide us, it’s the Yagya. 

It’s a big Yagya. This weekend we had Rahki and we had 300. So, Dadi Prakashmani came after two months for inauguration because it was a big achievement to have such a big place. Dadi came and said that this is like Madhuban. When people cannot reach Madhuban, at least they can come here. We are five minutes away from the town. It's not that you are too far, but once you are there you are in a different world. Like there's no vibrations, nothing. So I'm just giving an example that we have to not be attached and also just be with Baba introverted and you will know what is Baba’s and what is not. 

Now Baba is talking about our part. Surprisingly, many things, like I never like to travel. I just like to be at home with the family, and I remembered that as soon as I came Baba said, “Go here, go there”, everywhere in India. In those days there were very few centers. Jagdish bhai and myself, to every city we would go, wherever there was an exhibition. I realize this is the part that I have to play, so don't resist it. Even if it was not really what I would want, Baba said that service is happening, even now you know who would want to go for a weekend to California, right? When you hear what people get, and what you get accomplished, then it’s ok, it’s alright, you play your part. So I think we start feeling and our part emerges very clearly. So you all should think about it. This is called the power of awareness. Always have the awareness that you are the victorious ones of every kalpa, never forget it. You have played this part many times and are now simply repeating it. So with this awareness all your thoughts like, “What can I do? How can I do this?”, all complaints will finish and you will become complete. Contentment is a certificate, right? When you have the power of the awareness of your double light form, any impossible task will become possible. One of our sisters who cooks in Peace Village for 25 years, she was saying, “ Sister Mohini, I did the whole breakfast, I did lunch, but I don't feel even that my hands are used, no pain, no tiredness. It must be Baba.” There were 400 people. Everything was good, and she likes to give fresh food like puris, it will not be cold, it will be hot. There is a lot of love for Baba, Yagya, love for family. So it's Baba who makes us do everything, and that faith is also very important. My part, now if it is my part, who has given it to me? Baba. It's not any karma involved there, it’s fortune. The fortune creator is Baba, right? Keep your awareness very powerful so that we become complete very soon. Even this morning’s murli is about Karmateet stage, no pull of karma, no suffering of karma. So Karmateet stage, ok.

Om Shanti 



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