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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #13


Become_a_Victorious Jewel_13               Mohini_Didi               August 13, 2024

Om Shanti! 

How many of you think you are a courageous soul? Everyone! So we are victorious. Anything we have to do in life in a consistent way, we always need courage, because if there is difficulty or we find it too big a task then we are in low energy, then we say that I don‘t think I can do it. If you trust Baba, then okay I will do. One thing I noticed during Dadi’s days, we always knew it was not respectful or not good to say ‘no’ to them. So we always had to say ‘yes’. Every time you say ‘yes’, your power increases, your faith increases, your capacity increases. Then when you do it, you will get cooperation also. If you really say ‘yes’ there are many who will come forward. Like Brahma Baba, anything, any task needed to be done, he would sit, he would start first, then everybody would see Baba and come. Especially Dadi Prakashmani. Once she was sharing a story when they came to Mt. Abu, then it was called Madhuban. Baba said that some flyers had to be printed. They had no money. Even when they used to physically get sick, they had no money to buy medicine. So what Vishvakishore bhai would do, he would bring a few tablets and would make four pieces. Especially now, many get diarrhea. It was always there, even in the beginning, because of the mountain, the water, the weather, the cold. It was very difficult. So when they all came, they were all getting sick. Change of water, change of food, everything was completely different. They had to live there because they left Karachi and now Mt. Abu was their home. They would boil the water and when it was cold then they would drink it. Some of the chemicals while boiling the water are killed and destroyed. 

So, Dadi said that she had a train ticket to Ahmedabad. In Ahmedabad, she came off the bus or train and she started walking to look for a printer. She kept walking and walking and finally she found a printer. So she went to this printer and said, “I need 5000 flyers to be printed. How much would it cost?”  The printer felt good vibrations and  he said, “No I would just print 3000, but how would you take it? So many flyers. Do you have a car? Do you have a truck? What do you have?” She said, “I will arrange something.” He said, “Okay, where do you want them?” She said, “Mt. Abu. he said, “Okay, I will send them with someone, because someone is going to Mt. Abu.” In 1986 there was the “Million Minutes of Peace Program.” So that means you have to ask people to donate 1 to 30 minutes. So it can be one million. Of course it became a billion. People liked the project so much. We had a little money, and we saw in the yellow book, telephone book, and we saw a printer’s name. He was all the way downtown. So Gaytri and myself said, “Let’s go.” There was a big building, they opened the doors and two big guys came out and said, “Ladies what do you want?” So we said, “We want to print some flyers.” We thought that at that time there were 18 million people in New York. So we thought we should print at least one million. So, once this started, we kept a box. Whatever loose coins you have at your home, you put in that box. So that by the time, the cost was one penny or one cent for one flyer. The more you print, the cheaper it gets. We thought we all started saving something. Then he said, “Where will you keep them? What will you bring? Will you bring a truck?” We said, “We don’t have one. Can you keep it at your place and we will take it little by little whenever we can?” He said, “Okay I won’t print it all at one time.” So when we remembered the Dadis' stories, we had courage and said, “Lets’ go!” Some way or other they became our good friends later on. We all have left home with courage. All the Dadis were little girls. They left home, not thinking, “Who will feed us? Where will we stay?” They just left because it was the calling of God. So somewhere inside we have to see what brings courage. Is it our faith? Is it our commitment? Is it our love for service? What brings courage?

So Baba is saying that some children say, “Baba cut off maya’s hands.” Baba says that if Baba cuts off Maya’s hands, then those who cut them will receive the benefit. So the Father cannot do anything. It is an order of a second, but how will your future be created? That means I have to do it, take the step of courage. There is a saying, those who help themselves, God helps them. So, the Father says to the children, “Children, simply keep the hand of courage, and with the Father’s help, you will become a victorious conqueror of Maya. Is anyone scared of maya?  She really comes like a little ant, but there is a saying that when an ant is under the feet of an elephant what happens to the ant? If it goes in the ear or nose of an elephant, the big elephant can keep dancing, because Maya also finds something to disturb you. Something you won't like. When you think later, it was useless, but at that time it seemed so reasonable,the way I am thinking is very reasonable. Then after 2-3 days it was unnecessary to be disturbed. It could have been done without losing my stage. Just be a detached observer, be courageous, keep yourself very light and just keep everyone also very light. Today in Murli, Baba said that you need to be shaktis, angels but also shaktis. So, be courageous and be victorious.

Om Shanti



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