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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #14


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_14             Mohini_Didi             August 14, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

There was a question one time, should we celebrate birthdays or not? Should we celebrate lokik birthday or alokik birthday? I remember that one time in Baba's Murli Baba said that you should celebrate your alokik birthday. Luckily for me, alokik and lokik were almost at the same time. There was a very beautiful point this morning in the Murli, Baba used the word ‘kudrat’. Kudrat is something which is natural, it's not even God has created. So I was churning on that, how God also looks at the universe, universal laws and then explains to us. Baba said that I come and explain to you ‘kudrat’, that means how things happen, and in what way it happened. When you really think of that, you know when there is a body then the body has a birthday every year, so we celebrate. So, in lokik we celebrate if really we have to because of the lokiks, but in the alokik birthday, some have a lot of interest and want to celebrate. If they are happy, I don't mind celebrating, and also because Baba has said. So I actually started my birthday celebration with Brahma Baba. When you wake up in the morning and you know it's your birthday, at least you have to inform, take some blessings from the seniors, your companions, and then we say that I also want to offer bhog to Baba, it's my birthday. So, how do we offer bhog? Some people bring their fruits and flowers and some contribute to buy all the stuff, and also ask the center to buy the fruits and flowers. We make whatever bhog we have to make, or we make a cake and cut it. So it's like we celebrate with the family and something that family has to celebrate for me. For me that is the day both ways that not only I offer bhog to Baba, but I always say that I want to give a gift to Baba, give some gift to the family. That's the day that you want to do some charitable act, to think about what can be useful for the family, and what can be given. 


So how does Baba explain about universal laws? It's really amazing how I was looking at my old photos, how one is young, then a young adult, then grows more and then reaches to the 80s, which I am at present. It's really natural in the sense that nobody really is pushing you to grow. You grow in a very natural way. Aging happens, the face changes, but I know that Dadi doesn't like anyone to look old. There was one sister, she looked old and Dadi said, “Why are you looking old?” She said, “I'm 70.” Then Dadi said, “But why should you look old?” She said, “Your face should be like me.” We shouldn't be old, in the sense of in our mind also. We saw Brahma Baba, even at 93, his face was like a little child, no worries, no concerns about what would happen to the Yagya. I said that when the concerns begin, the face looks tired. It's not the task. The work will be done, cooperation will come, but when you are mentally tired in the sense that only I will have to do, there is no one to help me, then concerns begin. It's kind of worrying and then the energy drops. I always tell anyone to never do that. It not only affects your stage, but also wherever you are instrument. Many places I have seen and at least wherever I could help, just keep always elevated thoughts. It is Baba. Baba will make it happen, it's Baba who will do it, and you will see the magic that is happening. Dadi Prakashmani said that you cannot be constructive unless you are humble. If there is ego, you can’t be constructive. So it was said very beautifully by Dadi, that to be constructive you have to be humble, ‘nirman and nirman’. We also have to keep that thought in mind. 

Now there are details, everyone is wondering about Shrimat, but I think that everyone should look at their present situation and see at this time what direction Baba gives you. Then follow Baba’s direction and you will see that life will be better and better. When someone has another person's hand over him, he is fearless and powerful and becomes ready to carry out any difficult task. In the same way, always experience the hand of Shrimat on yourself. Baba says that you will never be afraid of any difficult situation or any obstacle of Maya. Maya creates obstacles whether it is my yoga or in a task. Maya tries to do that you couldn't do, you find it difficult, you discontinue because of something or other. I remember I stayed in New York when I came and New York had not only pollution but a lot of violence. So after a few years somebody said, “Are you still okay in New York?” I said, “What do you mean, okay?  I said that everything is okay. Baba has sent me here and I'm not going to leave until Baba tells me. People say in winter you come and stay in Florida. I said, “No, New York is my base, but yes, every home is my home, I will come and stay, but I will not leave here until Baba tells me. I'm between India and New York. So with help and courage of the hand, you will experience it to be easy to face anything. In the pictures also they have shown God's hand on the forehead of devotees. You children have the hand of Shrimat on your forehead, that is, on your intellect. So when you have the hand and the company, you will always remain victorious. So we have to have determination to follow shrimat and keep Baba's company which is very important.

Om Shanti



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