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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #16


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_16           Mohini_Didi         August 16, 2024   

Om Shanti Everyone! 

Is everyone happy? We all celebrated yesterday. Actually, every day seems to be a day of celebration. We are happy and everything we do is with a lot of love. So when you do something, live with love, and that is always happy. Today, I almost spent two hours just listening to all the beautiful songs and videos and messages which you all have sent from all over the world. So, I want to thank you all. I think it’s our fortune that in such an unlimited family, we are able to celebrate. It was my lokik and alokik birthday, and the journey of 60+ years, of course 83 plus, but also 60 for spiritual journey. It was a wonderful adventure, starting from India then to Europe to Caribbean, then to North America, then to Europe, Africa, all over the world. At that time, centers were very few, very small, with limited resources, and now every center is self-sufficient and doing very well.  So, I also wish that each one of you can celebrate whatever day is your lokik and alokik birthday and thank you for this celebration. 

I always question myself when I’m able to be in natural remembrance of Baba. I feel like I should just be in Baba’s remembrance. Of course there is a lot of distaste. When you have an abundance of everything including love, there is a kind of distaste in the sense that you don’t have any desires. You feel that you are completely free from all desires, but also, if you really want to keep your life very happy and celebrating, take interest in everything to learn and do it. Learn to do it because the vast experience of learning keeps the intellect very broad, and not limited. There was a time with Baba, the Dadi’s training was to make us all rounders. Now it’s like department centers, so people are good in either office work or karma yoga or in teachings, but one should be good with everything because at a time when anyone comes, you have to feed them toli, or you have to give Brahma Bhojan. So then who will cook? We have to cook it. I cooked for all the Dadis. Didi Manmohini used to like cauliflower. So one time I had to take her to a doctor in Delhi. While returning, she asked, “What are you going to cook for me?” I said, “Whatever you want.” So, there was like a market with people sitting with their baskets and all that. I stopped on the way and I said, “Let me buy one nice cauliflower to make for Didi.” So I bought one and then we went home, and I told her to rest and by the time she gets up, I will cook lunch for you. I always cooked ‘Sindhi’ food for them. Didi was kind of surprised. We went to the best doctor, then you buy cauliflower, then you come home and they boil some black eye beans to make with cauliflower. So it was very nice. She ate properly and she rested with Dadi Janki with Dadi Prakashmani. Whenever there was a chance, we did things together, but also I cooked for them, and I know their taste very well. Also, what they like, like Dadi Prakashmani’s days are coming next Sunday, Janmastmi and Dadi Prakashmani’s day so from now onwards, I’m thinking what Bhog we will make for Dadi, what Dadi used to like. Now this looks very gross, like why are we thinking about food and all? From the very beginning, Baba always said to cook everything properly. 

So, we are taking interest in serving or helping. Generally, it is said that seniors sustain juniors, but for me, I always thought, “Let me also sustain Dadi.”  I also felt, even for my lokik mother, that I am sustaining her, not that she is sustaining me. Younger people have to do for older ones right? Then we receive their blessings. So I have heard that in India, once you become the coordinator, then you don’t cook. I thought I should cook until the end, whenever I could. So remembrance is very much connected with your contentment of heart, your love and interest in life, your learning in life. All that actually brings joy, and joy brings remembrance. In order to be constantly victorious, stay under the canopy of remembrance. Those who always stay under the canopy remain safe from all types of obstacles of Maya. No type of shadow of Maya can fall on them in any way. The five vices, instead of being your enemy, become your servants and servers in the picture of Vishnu. They have shown the snake and the bed and snake as a canopy. Also, this is the sign of being victorious. So it’s very beautiful when we have the aim in mind, then you are being served and you are also serving. Okay again thank you very much.

Om Shanti



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