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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #18


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_18             Mohini_Didi           August 18, 2024

Om Shanti!

Today was India’s independence day parade in Manhattan, so Baba’s children from all different centers came and it was a good parade. A good number of souls participated, and they were able to tie rakhi to some of the VIPs also. So it was a good day, then we all went to the Manhattan center. We are very lucky to have 5th Avenue which is the most prominent avenue. Baba’s home is very beautiful and has quite a big space. There was a time, we had pictures for a museum and all that, but still it's a very good space and we all gathered there. There were 75 - 80 of us. There was a little bit of sharing, then everyone had enough food to eat and toli-blessing. It was a good day, and for Baba’s children, everyday is a good day. Sunday is over, we know now Monday will begin, and Monday will have its own activities and duties. There's not a single day when we are bored, and there is always enough to do. Most of the people say that we’re very busy, but not necessarily busy in a proper way, but Baba’s children can definitely say this. So Baba has really given us the task. When we are busy in karmayoga, we’re busy in any kind of service, there is also self service, self improvement, self progress, churning of knowledge. There's so much that we always have so we can keep ourselves occupied. There is a saying that the idle mind is the devil's workshop, but we are not idle. Then there is the saying, the ideal mind is God's workshop. Those who have an aim in life always have something purposeful to think. 

So we recently had celebrations of rakhi all over in different places. You must have tied rakhi too. I don’t want to mention names of the places, but a lot of news has been coming from everywhere. Rakhi with Baba’s children, rakhi with contact souls and VIPs, and everyone is very happy. While tying rakhi we promise to Baba about purity. We like purity very much, and it is very natural for us. Baba wants us to be completely pure, 100% pure. For that, one is actions, purity of actions, no anger, no greed, no attachments, then purity of words, but Baba always talks about purity of thoughts and attitude and drishti. So today Baba is saying that anything which is waste, any wasteful thoughts of any kind, any vice is impurity. So renounce that, surrender it to Baba, whatever wasteful thoughts you have. Sometimes people have wasteful thoughts for their own self also. Like they will say, “Oh, I'm not very bright or I'm not being loved, and I don't know how to do this, I don't think I can.” These are weak thoughts which Baba also says, “surrender any waste thoughts to Baba.” Does anyone get any waste thoughts for the self? Nobody should have those thoughts. From today, Baba said that if you have any such wasteful thoughts, just surrender it to Baba. That will be very good. So, our homework for tomorrow which we can begin even today is that I surrender all wasteful thoughts to Baba, and we know, as soon as they start, just stop it and surrender it to Baba. 

Baba says to tie the true rakhi of purity. That means to be victorious over the five vices even in your thoughts. Before, many times like in dreams and thoughts of anger or anything will not create sins unless you do it in action. So we felt comfortable, it was only in my thoughts, but now Baba says that no, you have conquered in actions and words but you have to be victorious over your thoughts also. So that means if I have thoughts, anger in the thoughts, it will be considered as anger, because it will affect your stage. Maybe you are not expressing it, maybe you are not getting angry, but even anger in a subtle way, you could feel it. Today I'm upset about something which I didn’t like. Now when you are upset and you don't like something, the thoughts that will come in your mind are wasteful thoughts. Now Baba wants that to be surrendered to Baba. Baba says that any type of wasteful vision on any soul would not be said to be purity. So surrender all wasteful thoughts out of love for the Father and you will become a bead of rosary of victory. Baba says to do it for the Father because we’re Baba’s instruments. Baba has a great task to get accomplished through us, and if our thought is not completely pure, then the task Baba will give us, will not be that elevated and accomplished. You will do it, but the purpose won’t be complete. So Baba wants us to be completely pure, so that every thought which Baba indicates in your mind to do something, or we send vibrations to this one, or churn on this, or create something, write something, whatever Baba wants the soul to perform will not be complete because it’s not complete purity. So when Baba says, “Do it for my sake, Baba’s sake.” Why is it said like this? Baba wants to get it done through you. So keeping ourselves completely pure, keeping ourselves completely viceless is because Baba wants to get something accomplished through us. It’s a very elevated thought, and I think that becoming aware of that will definitely follow Father and do our homework of surrender all your wasteful thoughts to Baba. 

Om Shanti 



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