Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_19 Mohini_Didi August 19, 2024
Om Shanti!
The first time I went to Madhuban, I met Brahma Baba. Then after meeting once or twice, Baba said, “Be careful of company.” I thought that I am at the holy place and everyone is so pure, so what kind of company will I be careful of? I didn’t understand, but after some time, different souls started approaching me to give their experiences and advice. Everyone has experience on the spiritual journey or lokik journey, and every one’s journey depends on their karmas, their own efforts, their fortune, and their recognition of Baba. Then if I say that this one had that difficulty, this one couldn't get along, or difficulty with the phone, they shared many different things and would advise you be careful. Don’t do this or don't be like this. Then I realized what Baba meant, that you have to understand knowledge, recognise Baba, and make your own efforts. That really helped me a lot because even in our lokik family, there were one or two, they found the journey was difficult. So when I started in knowledge, they kept telling me to go slow, don't think to surrender. It didn't really affect me, because it’s their experience, right? Whatever one goes through is their own fortune or karma or Drama. So why should I think of that? So I realized what the influence of people does. It is their opinion or whatever they are going through, their contentment, or lack of contentment. So we have to definitely be very careful, because I have to feel, I have to experience myself. Someone says, “Oh nothing is fair, there's no justice; very heavy comments, but I believe in Baba, I believe in karma theory. I have to feel that yes, everything is fair, but if they just say that, the color of their glasses reflect and you see the same colors. When I was young, I was advised by one of my older ancestors to never carry impressions. Never hold impressions about anyone after listening. Two souls have difficulty in a relationship, but I don't have a problem with any of them. For me they both are very good Baba’s children. If I'm influenced, then I will start looking at that person, and my vision will be colored. It's very subtle, and our Dadi Janki always used to say that you have to be free from influence. So it could be people, it could be situations. Even when you have the same sickness, the medicine could be different. They generally say not to take medicine without the advice of a doctor. So we live in the world where a lot is happening. So we need to remain untouched like a lotus, so that we can remain beautiful, open and above, beyond, happy, and content.
So, tomorrow's homework is to be in the company of Baba. So, what will be the color of that company? We become like Baba. So constantly continue to experience the Father's company. It was easy when Baba was in Brahma Baba. Now with Angelic Bapdada, to feel that company, to be colored by that company requires attention. Experience the Father's company and you will remain victorious, because souls who have the experience of the company remain merged in His love. Such souls are not influenced by anyone. Powerful souls who constantly stay in the company of Almighty Father challenge Maya and attain victory. It is not a big thing for Maya to come, but when she doesn't show her form, that is called being victorious. That means some of the traces of the vices are there which are like weakness. Mama used to say that you become victorious over vices, but if you hold on to the weakness, then you have to be more careful. So it's very interesting homework. You have to listen to everyone, but what do I take? Then what conclusions I come to shouldn't be the influence. I like this topic. We will continue to do our homework to remain free from influence and be in the Father’s company.
Om Shanti