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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #20


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_20                Mohini_Didi              August 20, 2024

Om Shanti!

Always say, I am Mahavir. Not that I have to ‘become’ Mahavir. I am Mahavir. From the last kalpa, kalpa after kalpa, I had been Mahavir, I had been victorious. So this awareness of the last kalpa, because we cannot become Mahavir if I was not Mahavir. Until the last moment, not off life, but everything you know, there is a situation and we keep hope, we keep patience, and then we start losing it. So, at the time when we know we are losing, create awareness, create awareness, create awareness. So your own power, your own sanskars of being Mahavir, plus the atmosphere. Like I was sharing with someone, I feel that those who are helping me should be very happy and healthy. Then only, I will get what I need. So, it's not my own well-being, but it's the well-being of everyone. I remember when I was young, for my school teachers in the morning, I used to pray and say, “Oh, they should come in a good mood, they don't have any problems, they are ok.” Now, I pray for everyone, pray for good wishes, for either my doctor, all my companions, all those who help me. I always say that they have to keep well. You know this is a way of creating the right awareness. So I think from today on, take this homework and always maintain awareness not only of yourself, but also tell others when you find somebody is disappointed, losing hope, doubtful. You are a Mahavir soul. You are Mahavir, you are victorious. So help others also to create this awareness. All our memorials in the path of Bhakthi are decorated with weapons. Goddesses have eight arms, they have four  ornaments, and the four arms have weapons. It's so interesting that on one side weapons are shown like destroying, and ornaments are for creating. They are in contrast. Unless we destroy, we cannot create. If you don't create, we cannot destroy. Destruction and creation both go together. That is why they are shown with ornaments. So what should our words be like? What should our thoughts be like? It's  very interesting to see the magic of awareness. We want to see magic all the time, so the awareness should also be all the time. 

So, the homework for 24 hours for us is to always have the awareness that we are master Almighty. When the Dadi’s came to Delhi or wherever they went, they always said ‘almighty Baba’. They never said only Baba, they said my almighty Baba, my almighty Baba. I always heard that if Baba is almighty, then I am also master almighty. These days I realize we have to invoke Baba in different ways with different qualities, different tasks He performs. Baba is ever pure, but Baba is the Purifier also. So, you can feel how Baba is helping you, how Baba is purifying you. The awareness should be that I am the master almighty child of the Almighty Authority Father. He is not only the Father, but the Almighty Authority Father. All the powers are our weapons and our ornaments. The soul has all its ornaments and weapons, and will always be powerful and victorious. First the strength of the mind reduces by doubts or wasteful thoughts, and so power reduces and then what happens is defeat begins. So be powerful and victorious, never fluctuate in any situation, become a mahavir with the awareness of always belonging to one Father and none other. You will remain victorious. The imperishable tilak of victory will be sparkling on your forehead, because as soon as concern, worry, wasteful thoughts come, the sparkle of the tilak starts reducing. Brightness of our face is coming from the soul, the light of the soul. It's like when we go into Baba's room, Baba is sitting and Shiv Baba’s light and might is shining through him. Just sit with Shiv baba, Baba is almighty, I am master almighty. Let Baba's light and might be shared through us. You will receive and others will also receive from you. I think we only have to make a little time for ourselves during traffic control, or just in between five minutes or 10 minutes. Just sit and practice, experience, and accumulate. So as much as we do that, our words will have that strength also. This is a beautiful night going very fast, The Confluence Age, and we have to become complete. 

Om Shanti 



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