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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #21


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_21           Mohini_Didi           August 21, 2024

Om Shanti!

To have faith in the self, we need to emerge our specialities. Can you all think of your specialities? There are two things: one is speciality in the form of qualities, virtues, and the other is in the form of skills. You’re good at doing this or that, and the other is actually obedient, faithful, humble, and sweet, all these virtues. If you have both, you know that means you have inner qualities and also some speciality. I think that definitely you progress, and not only that, but your self-trust will definitely then help others also. Look at this one, how she’s moving forward, look at this one, how she is managing so many things, it inspires others. Dadi always used to say to do actions that inspire others. One is when we tell people to do this, you should do this, or the other is that they get inspiration from inside and they say, “Oh, I want to do this.” What do we call it? Bhavna. Bhavna comes when you yourself feel like doing something. So, then we know it's a family, it's Yagya. I always think that in a lokik family what one doesn't do? Everyone does whatever is needed. So why not in the Yagya? Why not in this spiritual family? Anything, you know these days, we have the speciality of IT. It's a job also. It's Yagya seva also. It's so interesting that if you really have self trust, you don't worry, you are not concerned. Recently we had two issues, we talked about it and got everyone's opinion, but I said, “With the time it should resolve and yesterday, I got the news, and it's over suddenly.” So, listen to the self, have trust. Don’t allow weak thoughts to come in the mind. As much as you are  unshaken in your faith in the self, that much, there are attainments. Not only that, but then whatever you think, it gets accumulated. So make sure your thoughts are very strong. Weak thoughts are mixed. We mix a lot of things in our thoughts. Dadi just said that if we speak sweet words, nicely, respectfully, it brings happiness, it brings joy, not only to the self, but also to the others. 

So, our homework for tomorrow is faith in yourself. So observe yourself in a very subtle way. What kind of doubts come? What kind of wasteful thoughts come? It's observing yourself. Check yourself and then see how to make the thoughts powerful with stronger faith. Keep all your specialties in front of you. Baba says that you will have faith in yourself. Do not think about your weaknesses too much. Then you will continue to happily move forward. Since the Father is the Almighty Authority, those who hold His hand will definitely reach their destination. Even if you yourself are weak, when your companion is strong, then you will definitely go across. Be victorious with this awareness, and also make others the same. We are travelers, we cannot leave anyone behind. I always see that anyone I have met, It's our family. We have to go along, we have to get along. I never had any difficulty with anyone. I enjoy people's ideas, personalities, and see how each one is so different. Each had been chosen by Baba. If Baba has chosen anyone, how can I reject that? So accept from the heart each one, just be lovely and sweet. Every word counts, right? So as much as possible, we look at our specialties and look at the specialities of others. 

Om Shanti 



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