Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_23 Mohini_Didi August 23, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
Is everyone ok? Yes, very good. Very enthusiastic and happy. Whenever we talk about a virtue, one is an inculcation of virtue, but the other is how we use that in practical life. There are two things for us. One is within family, our relationship with everyone, and second is for the task. So, the quality and the power has to be used in a very sensible way within the family and also for the task. There were so many Dadi’s, so why was Prakashmani Dadi number one? It’s not that the other Dadis were less interested in Murli or Dharna, no. They all had determination, and they were very stable. Sometimes it’s Baba‘s love, it could be faith, it could be purity, there is some kind of special quality which makes you very much loved by the family, even if you have to apply rules, regulations, principles that everyone has to do. Dadi was very firm in all Maryadas, all principles, but when we come to Baba, you have to let go of your own self, in the sense of your ways, your personality, your liking, because when you have that, then you won’t get enough cooperation. People will feel as if they do it for you and not for the Yagya. So very subtly, Dadi Prakashmani was the one who was able to help people to see their own specialty, and then make them more and more cooperative, but not bring in her personality. Dadi would jokingly sometimes say, “Dadi likes to eat this, or Dadi likes this”, but she would first think of what everyone likes. So today, I was thinking to get motivated, to be like Baba, ok then what? What is my motive? Why should I become like Baba? Everyone loves Baba. Having all virtues, qualities, powers, and knowledge is one thing, but using them so that everyone feels a pull towards the Dadis, a pull towards Baba. I am reflecting on what gave Dadi Prakashmani number one. So, if I’m becoming like Baba, then one of the things is love from all, and everyone feels that I am appreciated whatever I’m doing. Baba gives so much love, so much appreciation to all of us, and kind of built in us that self-respect trust in the self and just keep saying, “Yes child, you can do it.” Then of course any task he gives, in the end, he will look at the result. When you do a program, Baba will give cooperation, but how many were there who were not happy or satisfied. Once we did a program, there were 50 of us and I think one soul was not happy because of something. See if you can learn from everything, always try, especially the main instruments, not to intervene in anything. Let the departments do what they have to do, because my getting into something makes it bigger and more serious. I don't have to. I am just being an observer, and I have to guide.
So, it’s very interesting how Dadi managed. Her management was very powerful and that’s why she said, “I clap and everything is ready” because of the way she respected people, loved people, made them responsible and she appreciated them. So, we have Dadi’s day, and we are becoming like Dadi. So Baba says to there let there be zeal and enthusiasm every moment. This is the basis for the flying stage. We have a small meeting coming up for the weekend retreat for next weekend, and Ashaben is in Peace Village. I was thinking about this topic of how to be constantly enthusiastic. This enthusiasm will finish many types of obstacles that are to come, and give you lots of help to become complete. This pure and determined thought of enthusiasm becomes a special and very powerful weapon to make you victorious. Therefore, always keep zeal and enthusiasm in your heart, and this means the flying stage. Have enthusiasm that I have to become like the Father and be full with all the treasures of powers, all virtues, and all knowledge. Then you can have a right, but how to use it right? It is very important to think about, and that’s where our numbers are.
Om Shanti