Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_24 Mohini_Didi Aug 24, 2024
Everyone is okay, happy? So, we had been celebrating, listening to Dadi ji everyday, even just a few words. It has been very inspiring. So, to be an unlimited server is to be ever ready. When we were Brahmins, Manmohini Didi or Dadi Prakashmani would suddenly call you and say that today there is a conference and this sister is not available or doesn't want to do it. So, today you have to give a talk. It's 8:30 in the morning and the conference begins at 9:00. So, you can’t say no. So, I said ‘okay’ and then of course, at 9:00 the conference began and I spoke. So, it happened a few times, and then I said in one of the meetings, “It's so good if we come to know one day before.” There were two people who commented, “Didi said that whenever a devotee has to take a dip in Ganges, does he need to inform the Ganges? I'm coming now, so flow, or Ganges, now constantly flow.” So she was asking me, are you a pond, or a river or a master ocean? Then she said that each one of you should be like the river Ganges, constantly flowing, so that anytime any devotee goes, they go to take a dip and purify themselves. So since then, I know to be ever ready, especially to say about Baba, to speak about any point or virtue or value, we have to constantly flow. If we are contemplating churning, inculcating, there's always some points in the intellect, and especially from morning blessing or morning Murli. So unlimited means river, but also master ocean. The ocean has completely different functions, length and breadth, very unlimited, but a river also has a very good quality of constantly flowing.
You know if some of you must have gone to Srinagar to Kashmir, I was there a few years in early 60s. So when you travel by bus at that time. On one side, there was a very deep river, and on the other side was a mountain and a very small road. The driver would be used to it. It was beautiful to see what was happening, that timber, big size, when they cut the trees there, and they wanted to send it from Srinagar to Jammu or to Pathankot. So they would put it in the river at the top and with the flow, it would keep going with the river. That means that when it's flowing, anything you put there, it doesn't stay. So one of the qualities of unlimited, like a river, is that nothing will stay in you. It just goes, it flows. It doesn't remain. Of course, there are no ships there, ships are mostly in the ocean. That is where the role of a lighthouse comes in. So, when we think of being unlimited and also determined, I have to flow. You know what I do, it's like the whole day, sometimes one or two words start coming before they go into the details I immediately say that I have to churn on this. So I go deeper, just take a point and go deep. After some time, I will forget what Baba said yesterday, little things, and scenes of Drama. The soul has a different part to play. So it's like we have a determined thought and we want to stay constantly flowing, because when it is a pond, it doesn't flow. Then of course, you'll see in the pond that there is very still water. Also all the leaves in the pond form something which doesn't really move. Yes, of course there is the beauty of a lily flower or a lotus flower in that pond, but basically, no one will take a dip in a pond, right? If the water is flowing very fast, then nothing stays, very clean water and it has a beautiful sound also.
There is a group going to India, and I had the thought to ask them if they want to go to Agra or Haridwar from Delhi. It is about five hours away. So generally they go at 7:00 in the morning and then they come back. In Haridwar, it's very beautiful, and now they have really made it nice. I went many years ago with Dadi Janki. It’s a very beautiful place. You sit, and the beautiful music of the water and of course, all around, there are a lot of ashrams, a lot of religious songs, and a lot of different kinds of things are going on. The water and the music, it is really very serene. So whenever I think of the Ganges, I immediately think of all that. So, we are unlimited like a river or master ocean. Baba says to have that determined thought that the flag of victory will be hoisted. Everything becomes easy with determined thoughts, and therefore never have any waste thoughts. I have the determined thought that I will always move forward and be victorious. Stay beyond all limits in your unlimited form. As an unlimited server, mine is one Baba and none other. Merge all other forms of mine. In this unlimited time, we have an unlimited mind. I will be a victorious jewel. That's beautiful, right? So reflect on that and every day a chance comes for us to do what we should have done. So today is the chance to think about oneself as unlimited. As soon as you think that, I think that many abilities, many capacities, and many virtues will expand. You will find that you are able to be unlimited in a beautiful way. So this is the homework for us for the next 24 hours.
Om Shanti