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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #28


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_28              Mohini_Didi           August 28, 2024

Om Shanti!

Is everyone okay? Yes? Happy, joyful, blissful? I was so determined, I said that every moment of life, we should be happy, peaceful, loving, and blissful. In the Golden Age, we won't know, we won't have, we will be in experience, but at the Confluence Age, we realise, we see it, we can feel it. What kind of intellect is required when you naturally feel that I did this many times? We do feel, sometimes we feel but not all the time that I have done this, but also, what is more important is becoming and then doing. We have a lot of focus on doing, which is good, but if we become and do it, you can accomplish both. There are some of the sisters they get so much to do from all over the world. She never says no, but also I find her enthusiasm, her joy, happiness is also constantly there. So the question arises, how is she able to do so much? Taking care of the center, taking care of a job and family, because when you become, your capacity will increase for doing. We focus on doing, these days everyone has a lot to do. So when the focus is on doing, we find that internally we are not that strong. So how do we keep increasing our capacity of intellect and mind, so that whatever we are doing, we feel as if I did it before. One is to know about this, to hear this, but another is to feel it from inside. So for 24 hours, we are getting this homework. Oh, I did this before. This happens every kalpa, this happens all the time. Have that thought and see what a difference it makes. So it's very interesting. You have done it many times. You know that Brahma Baba would finish Murli and then sometimes we think behind him, but he always thought ahead. Whatever Baba had to speak, Baba spoke. For us, when we have given a lecture or anything, we say, “Oh I missed this, I should have done this.” We went back and Baba just said, “Start churning further.” So it's a very subtle habit. Baba used to say, “jo Baba ne bola, whatever Baba spoke, he spoke the last kalpa also”. Baba would come out of History Hall and going towards his room and he will say, “jo Baba ne kalp pehle bola tha, that is what Baba spoke today”, and that is what really brings us too, let's think the future, further, what is next point, what is churning? So these are very subtle things but they are very helpful. 

So that could be the benefit of the awareness that I did it many times. It's really important to not get disheartened, disappointed never, whatever happens, it happened last time also. So I'm pausing for a few seconds, so that we can feel it, we can realise it, and we can experience it. You have done it many times. Within one second, you can go in and see if you feel that way, not because Baba says these words but it has to become the feelings and experience. Always maintain zeal and enthusiasm for victory. As soon as you lose that for whatever reason, you are defeated by Maya. Maya very subtly attacks us through circumstances, through people, and by our own sanskars. I should have the determination that I will not lose my zeal-enthusiasm, and I will maintain zeal-enthusiasm for victory. Do not have any sanskars of disheartenment. Experience any difficult task to be so easy that it is not a big deal, because you have done it so many times. You are not doing anything new, you are simply repeating what you have done many times. This awareness will make you victorious, and this month is going to be “loveful intellect claims victory”. I was mentioning to some of you that the capacity or abilities of intellect should expand; unlimited intellect, subtle intellect, divine intellect, clean intellect, clear intellect. You can write them all that we have to imbibe now. We are becoming the masters of the new world, so what will be your power to discern and power to decide? We have to experience all of that now at the Confluence Age because Baba's knowledge is Truth, Baba's knowledge is eternal. My intellect should also imbibe, and we should increase our capacity and ability. It should not be a brilliant intellect in a lokik way, but we need to have a subtle intellect, because knowledge is very subtle, and applying knowledge is also something very subtle.

Om Shanti 



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