Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_30 Mohini_Didi August 30, 2024
Om Shanti!
Are you all okay? Yes, I always remember when Baba says that the Confluence Age is the age of joy, but then we are also busy, right? All the time there are actions, always we have to do this or that. So, our joy actually comes from service, but then Baba had been saying that service through the mind gives us more inner happiness and contentment. We are on a journey and it’s quite a long journey, so many things happen but then what we have to do as co-travelers? We help. Not just saying through words, yes that is important, but sometimes it doesn’t help because of the listening at that time. Our dhristi, our attitude, our thoughts, the vibrations, upbringing that strength, bringing that power, that courage which the soul requires. This Thursday, I was offering bhog and I realize that only God can help the soul, we soul can help soul, but it’s very limited. We cannot remove sorrow, but Baba comes and He removes our sorrow. So I was just thinking how much we learn from Baba, how to serve souls. In any religious gathering, there will be stories, but the soul is only served by the Supreme Soul, because they don’t even have knowledge of the soul. They look at them as devotees, where Baba looks at us as His children, as souls. So the protection that Baba gives us, the knowledge that Baba gives us, is beneficial for the soul. So Baba is giving us homework. Another 24 hours to always think that I have to be a great donor, and that means to give donation through the powers, through your mind. So Baba is saying to constantly stay under the Father’s canopy of protection, creating the awareness of Baba as protector and you will remain safe from Maya. There are so many forms of Maya, sometimes an obstacle, sometimes a storm, sometimes an influence. Maya adopts so many forms, but Baba says that if you are under Baba’s canopy, then you are safe from Maya, and always in pleasure, happiness, and joy. The study is very high, and though it is a high study, you have the faith that you are definitely victorious. So what do we have to keep in our awareness? I am a victorious soul, I will win, I will pass with honors. I will definitely pass. Always have thoughts of victory. It is that same study Kalpa after Kalpa, it is not anything new. So always stay in pleasure and continue to give others the message. Also, let’s stay happy, joyful, and be a great donor with your mind. Continue to donate powers and Baba says that you will be victorious. Victorious over the thoughts in your mind in a second. We do it in minutes, but Baba is saying one second. How many thoughts have gone in 60 seconds so Baba wants us to earn through each thought and become powerful. So each one, just keep the simple awareness that I am a victorious soul. I will claim victory. Baba has come to make us victorious. Maya will try in whatever way, but Baba is with us. So we will definitely be victorious and stay very joyful.
Om Shanti