Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_31 Mohini_Didi August 31, 2024
Om Shanti everyone!
I think most of you know the story of this cow, Kamdhenu. Any desire you have, you go to this cow and have in your mind, what is your desire and she will nod, that means it is done and your desire will be fulfilled. They worship that cow, put garland around that cow, put a band, and beautifully they call it Kamdhenu. A lot of people make it a source of income, but some truly believe it, and then they find that their desires are being fulfilled. So Baba doesn't want us to have desires, but Baba wants to create a desire in us, and that is to become Kamdhenu, that I fulfill all the desires of others. So, it's so interesting the way we are Kamdhenu, but you have to be free from desires. Whether it is motivation, temptation or attainment, whatever we think, actually, it’s a great idea that we all want to be Kamdhenu. We have to discriminate to become Kamdhenu also. People have negative desires, could have desires which are not really good, they are not worth being fulfilled, then what do we do at that time? I always say, “Tell Baba. Then Baba decides what He should fulfill and what He should not.” So, in the sense that you didn't take responsibility and give blessings, that your desires will be fulfilled. If the wrong desire gets fulfilled, then I might have part of that karmic account, because I said it will be fulfilled. So we have to be a little bit clear. Baba is our protector so we tell Baba. So that's another way of surrendering the intellect to Baba. So one who fulfills everyone's desires is called Kamdhenu. The stage of being free from desires, is not the stage of deities, but that's the stage of Brahmins. People go to deities with their list of desires. Lakshmi wealth, Saraswati, good intellect, every god and goddess, they go with their particular desire. There is no question of having a desire in the lives of deities. Deities will have everything anyway. So Baba says that you have this knowledge. This is why when you have the stage of being free from desires, it is called a Brahmin life. As soon as we come to Baba, many desires just go away. You don't want it now and whatever is valid, Baba fulfills. So we really don't have any desires. In this Brahmin life, you are full of all attainments, so Baba says you are Kamdhenu, the cow that fulfills all desires. So if you have your own desires then you can’t be Kamdhenu. So do we prefer to be Kamdhenu or to have desires? Kamdhenu, that's a good choice. So we will work on that and that's our homework. We will see how it works on us.
Om Shanti