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Transcribed Classes

Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #5


Become_A_Victorious_Jewel_5                Mohini_Didi                August 5, 2024

Om Shanti!

We begin the program with Hindi, because in India they always request for that. Actually it is in English for the whole world, because that's the language commonly understood. This is the month of Dadi Prakashmani. I don’t know how many of us really realize that Dadi Prakashmani’s role in the Yagya was very important. When Brahma Baba became perfect and left his physical body, Baba gave his hand in Dadi’s hand, that she would be taking care of the Yagya, this organization, or the family, whatever we call it. From day one, Dadi took that responsibility. When you go to Shantivan, Gyan Sarovar, and Pandav Bhavan, it is 24 hrs. That means one who has been given responsibility, the stage of that soul has to be one that stays awakened for 24 hours. That means that no time is just for the self, it’s for service, it’s for the Yagya. Not only time, but whatever different resources, everything. At 2:30 in the morning, the first pot of water is kept on the stove for the tea to be ready at 3:30, because hundreds of them drink tea. At night time, generally, everything should be over. Still, there are some who come late, and they still eat. I know there was once a discussion, should we leave the food or should we just pack it and put in the coolers. I remember one time some people came at 2:30 in the afternoon and they heard from somewhere that you can always get food from Brahma Kumaris. They were from New York. I was in Shantivan, so someone told me some guests have come from New York and we don't have food. I said, “It's alright, we have dry stuff and dry puri, whatever, just give them something and then bring them to me.” This person was the landlord of our Manhattan center and so they were happy we gave them fruits or whatever. Then they said that there will be a small area where we will always keep pots, and then we serve at that time. Those who have to serve are not there. They're all in their room, they're resting or to come back again to be on their duties. So it goes on, especially in Baba’s season, 12 thousand, 20 thousand have to eat. So it's like breakfast finishes, lunch begins, then they start preparing dinner. A responsible person like Dadi just made sure everything goes ok and everyone is happy, everyone is getting what they want. The well being of everyone is their responsibility. 

So this awakened stage, Baba says, even when you are sleeping, some service is going on. So your sleep is not sleep, it is yogic sleep. You all have heard about yogic farming right? It’s really interesting, I was there and they would bring from yogic farming, all the vegetables. So I said, “What's the difference between regular and this Yogic farming?” No chemicals, completely organic, all the organic vegetables are now being supplied in the kitchen of Shantivan, free from all the chemicals, plus the quality. So Dadi Prakashmani really played a very important role. There was so much love and respect for the Dadis in our hearts. One thing we all have to remember is that karma yoga, service, and relationships, everything is important. Most important is my own progress, because as much as you keep becoming complete, karmateet, going beyond whatever is happening, that much you will be able to sustain. For me, the whole day always, we have things to do, but internally, the aim is that we have to be stable, we have to be in Baba’s remembrance or do the homework, so that the self-growth and self progress, reaching to the stage of completion, can be experienced. 

One time, Avyakt BapDada met me personally and He said that as much as you move towards the stage of perfection, everyone will experience the love of God, and that will help you to remain loving. So, to be a yogi is very easy, right? Here it is not only yogi, but you also have to take care of the yagya, two crowns. What is the meaning of two crowns? That means you have to take care of what Bhavna does, the accounts, that's the toughest one. So someone gives you property for service, whenever it's possible, we take it for Baba’s Bandara. I remember when Didi Manmohini was in-charge, everyone gave things to Baba. I am just a trustee. So what is my duty? We give respect, cooperation to each other, we get a lot of marks from Baba, because Yagya creates systems, and we have to maintain those systems. I always like to take good numbers in that, not manmat, I want Shrimat. I want the Yagya to be unified, respectful and cooperative with each other. A loving intellect is victorious. You will experience the rays of all virtues of the sun of knowledge in yourself. The sparkle of introversion along with the sparkle of self respect of the future is always visible on the faces of children who have a loving intellect. If you are taking all virtues from Baba, that is a loving intellect. Not only that, but just imagine how Baba will give special rays. You will have to make less effort and you will have a very good stage. 

Om Shanti 



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