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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #6


Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_6                Mohini_Didi               August 6, 2024

Om Shanti!

What we are reading these days are the avaykt signals of BapDada, and we have to take them seriously. When I say it seriously, I mean homework. This morning when I woke up, I thought that I would do the homework of being in front of the Sun of Knowledge. The rays can give all the virtues. I sat for about an hour, just with that thought,  just to be in front of Baba. Then the whole day, traffic control, or I just think, “What’s my homework? I have to do that.” So, if we use it like we listen to it in the evening, the next morning when we wake up, just start with your homework, practically experience it. The only time we have is in the morning. After that, there is always karma yoga or something or the other. So morning is very good. Dadi Prakashmani’s room was where History Hall was. It was less than half a minute away. There was a sofa at the back, and Dadi would come and sit for Amrit Vela. So when I am there, I also would go and sit next to her. So, at the end, we would ask Dadi, “How was your Amritvela? or What were you thinking?” Dadi said the same thing we were talking about today. She would say it in a different way. Let me attain everything from Baba. It could be the last moment. One is okay, I have to leave the body any minute, but before I leave, have I taken full inheritance from Baba? How many of you think that you are heir souls? That is what the thought should be. Congratulations! You are heir souls if you allow Baba to have the right on you. So one time I was saying this in New York class, and some took it very practically. If you are called about to do something, you should take it as Baba’s call. Not only that, but it’s like some big fortune has to be created, because you might not get that opportunity. Never, never make excuses. Even sometimes you cannot do it but you say, I will do and Baba will make it happen. It’s very easy. Dadi Janki used to say, “You all don’t lie, but you make excuses.” Excuses are equal to telling lies. You don’t know what will happen. Doing that action is creating fortune. 

There is a saying that, for God they also say ‘kaal’, which means last moment. So think of the call of Kaal (Bhagwan ka bulawa, Kaal ka bulava). When there is kaal, the soul has to leave the body, and you should tell God why didn’t you give notice?At least half-an-hour,one hour! You never get notice! So, it is the same with creating our fortune. Whenever you get an opportunity to do something good, equally, there is something from the past which you have to settle. So, when you do it, that means what you have to settle, that some is still left. So as I said, never say no, never say it’s not possible. Think about it, maybe it is possible. I am saying it’s not possible, but after thinking about it, yes, it can be done. Many times we give some reasons or some excuses, which you cannot do with God. Always have the awareness that the body can be destroyed at any time. By having this time of destruction in your awareness, your intellect will automatically be loving. When the time of destruction comes, then even those who do not have knowledge definitely try to remember the Father. However, because they don’t have His introduction,they are not able to connect.They can not connect their love. If you always have the awareness that these are the final moments, by remembering this, you will not think of anyone else. As many times you say, ‘yes Baba’. Two, three, times, then Baba will say, ‘yes’. My relationship with Baba is like that, ‘yes Baba’. Then anytime there is really a need, I say, “Baba, now it’s your turn.” Always Baba says, “Yes, why not?” So, it’s not just a question of love, but of your relationship with God. If I cannot say yes to God or if I cannot be happy when I am with God, then when else, and who else? Recognition of Baba, recognition of God in many ways like Father, Teacher, Satguru, Supreme Judge, but also Kaal (death of deaths). Kaal also means time. Kaal also means death, but also time, because when it’s time, it’s time. So, only Baba has the key in His hands. So we say, “Yes Baba, ji Baba.” So what does Baba say? Baba says, “Ji bache, yes children.” 

Om Shanti



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