Become_A_Victorious_Jewel_7 Mohini_Didi August 7, 2024
Om Shanti!
Is everyone okay in Avyakti Parivar? For you to be present, I can see you, Baba can see you, and that means you are well, right? To be present always is the sign that we're doing well. We were in Toronto for 12 days, such a big family there. We did a lot of programs for rakhi, which included VIPs. It was a very good stay, and every evening we did Avyakti Parivar. Our effort is to have every thought based on Shrimat, so we check our thoughts, right? Dadi is saying that renunciation, distaste and going beyond, that will make you Karmateet and Karmajeet. Generally, they say 'Vikarmajeet', but Dadi used a new word Karmajeet. Karma shouldn't pull us. This month's topic is of the final stage where the intellect has love for Baba, and is not pulled towards any human being. The intellect should not be pulled towards anything, whether it is material things, situations, or the past. It's very subtle to be loving, but also the intellect should not be pulled. You take love from Baba, you become loving, then everyone feels love for you. Naturally, there should be a lot of love everywhere, we know we have to be loving and let everyone come closer to Baba. They should feel the presence of Baba, and creating that presence, creating love is what seva is really. Then everyone internally is healed and feeling full and powerful, but still sometimes the intellect is not full. I remember the last time Dadi Janki came to Peace Village for 10 days, and naturally when Dadi was there, hundreds of souls would come. Dadi’s energy is so different. I observed Dadi that once she's ready to leave and she is in the car that's it, she's gone. It's like she's so beyond. I remember once, I didn't say goodbye, so I thought to go and say ‘bye’, but she was already gone. Once she said, “Every moment, wherever I am, every moment, I just give or serve, but once I leave that place, I leave it.” Where I am going, I have to be there completely, otherwise you are still there in the previous place. So it's like the importance of intellect. A loving intellect will be victorious, but if the intellect is pulled by anything, you can’t be victorious. So it's the final subject in a way, but very subtle also to observe that my intellect doesn't get caught up into anything. You are beyond, and when you are beyond, you are able to share Baba's love. That's what I notice everywhere: belonging, love, you know it's something that everyone wants. When there is love, there is happiness, cooperation, and everyone is tireless. You won't believe how people day and night were cooking and cleaning and doing karma yoga. They were happy and they were tireless also.
So our homework is to observe our intellect. Those who always have a loving intellect cannot have any waste or sinful thoughts that oppose Shrimat in their mind. Those who have such loving intellects become victorious jewels. To be a bead of the rosary of victory, one of the qualifications is love with One. So do not have love for bodily beings in any way. This one is my this, this one is my that, no, all are Baba’s children, all are souls. So we have love for them, but not with the bodily beings in any way. Otherwise, you will come in the list of those who have a divorced intellect. That means whenever there is a situation and your intellect is pulled there or towards a person, you fail, right? You can't be victorious, but it happens we are observing whatever, but our intellect shouldn't be pulled. Then you become a victorious jewel and I know that everyone feels that they should be in the rosary of victory. It takes Baba 108 jewels, just to prepare a rosary of 108, because the intellect has to not to be affected by anything, pulled by anything or anyone. So, tomorrow pay attention where the intellect goes, and have every thought checked by Shrimat. Is it Shrimat to think like this, or to have wasteful thoughts? It's not Shrimat, so change them but work not to think this way, keep cancelling it. Then create in such a way that is in love for Baba.
Om Shanti