Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_9 Mohini_Didi August 9, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
This is Dadi’s month. I think most of you met Dadi. How many of you have met Dadi? I should say how many haven’t met Dadi? The majority have met Dadi. When she was in lokik life, one of the astrologers told Dadi that she would be a queen. There were six sisters. All six surrendered with their parents and their parents actually were almost like Brahma Baba, like jewelers. Dadi’s parents also came with all the daughters and surrendered. Dadi was sharing that it’s very easy to surrender. So many surrendered, about 300+. Many families with children with all their belongings just came. They all formed a big family to live together. Brahma Baba was the number one example, but even Dadiji, to be trustee and surrender, it’s very easy. Baba takes care of us and Baba sustains us, but to be a trustee after surrendering, where I and mine are not there, like Brahma Baba. How many buildings he had change into many little spiritual schools something for children, something for mothers, or something for Mama? He never mentioned that I gave or I had all that. Others would mention, but he would never. So observing how much we are surrendered, but how much of a trustee we are in using whatever we need to use, and not to have any I and mine. We maintain our royalty and self-respect, but that is alokik, spiritual. The homework that Baba is giving us for tomorrow is to check if my love is from the heart or only the intellect. I know that Baba is the Bestower and Baba always gives to us. So we hold Baba‘s hand, but you know this is a big thing. Of course we all have love from our heart for Baba, but today Baba is saying, “Ok, if you have love from the heart you will not be disturbed by Maya.” When Maya comes, the wasteful thoughts will start coming. There is imagining, doubting, a lot of very subtle wasteful thoughts come about a person, about a situation, and that is where Maya starts disturbing us. I think all of us recognize that as soon as wasteful thoughts come, the mind gets disturbed, and that is Maya. Today Baba is giving a very clear definition. If your love is from the heart, you will not have wasteful thoughts, you will not doubt anyone’s intention, or think and imagine different things, assumptions. So it’s very beautiful. Baba says that is true love of the heart. Since I have read it and I’m reading, we have to start checking if we have true love of the heart for the One Father, then Maya will never disturb you. So what do we do whenever we find that waste thoughts are coming? Just keep remembering Baba and Maya will be destroyed. However, if you don’t have true love of the heart, if you’re simply holding onto the Father’s hand and not taking his company, you will continue to be hurt by Maya, because that’s what Maya does. I was hurt by that, I was hurt by this thing. Now Baba is saying that this is a lack of true love with Baba, and we can say it’s right, because Brahma Baba never got disturbed. When 20 of Baba’s good children came and said, “Baba we want to leave.” Baba said, “Ok, when are you planning to go?” Baba was noticing their activity and then gave such a good send off, so that when they went out in the world, people asked them why they left. They said that it was our sanskars, It was our difficulty. They never said a word about Baba and that’s what Dadi Janki used to tell us. They would say, “Oh, we still love Baba, but we couldn’t manage with the big community or the lifestyle or whatever, but nothing about Baba. So, it is the same if we follow Baba and are not disturbed by Maya, then automatically whatever happens, everyone will be happy, happy with us.
Om Shanti