Ignorant_of_the_Knowledge_of_Desires_12 Mohini_Didi September 12, 2024
Om Shanti!
Happy Satguruvaar to everyone. Ramesh Bhai was sharing a very interesting aspect that before God trusts you, He blessed you. Brother Ramesh took a long time to come to knowledge because he had a Guru and he and Usha, his partner, they both were very close followers, almost like helping the Guru in everything. They lived the life of purity even before, but his mother was one of the first students in Bombay who supported BKs to get a place and help in all different ways. As you know Ramesh Bhai was a Chartered Accountant and a lawyer, so he knew everything. So, when he came, he was with Dadi Prakashmani, but his role was very important for the Yagya. Then he started asking Baba and discussing very thoroughly the systems of the Yagya, how it should be done. So I was thinking that it might be true with all of us, that maybe we are not aware of how God did test us before He trusted us. So, you all can think about it. First you are a bestower, a bestower can be of anything, fortune, knowledge, anything. Just understanding that when you bestow, when you are giving, you are receiving. While giving you are receiving, but also what you are receiving gets accumulated. That is what Baba meant by saving. What you receive becomes your fortune. So, it is a very interesting way that Baba is explaining to us and asking us to just be free from limited desires, then you receive the unlimited. All that we received from Baba, we didn’t expect, we didn’t know that Baba would give us such a beautiful life, and a mind which always thinks positive, serving through the body, big family, good relationships. So, Baba says for an unlimited master, unlimited bestower of fortune, these limited hopes and desires follow like a shadow. Even the five elements become servants in front of you bestowers of fortune. So, Baba says in front of you, limited desires are like a lamp in front of the sun. However, in order to fulfill all needs, continue to give to the maximum extent whatever it is you want. I have to give peace and love. So, what do I have to do? The more I give, the more it will increase. Whatever it is you want, give respect, give regard, but do not ask for regard. If you want your name glorified, then give the donation of the Father’s name, and your name will automatically be glorified. We always keep saying that Baba is the one who bestows, Baba is the one making it happen. So, keep mentioning the name of Baba. When you receive something by asking for it, that is the wrong path. How would you then reach your destination? Therefore, become a master bestower of fortune and all your desires will be fulfilled. So you give and you receive. It’s a very common proverb, but how? I think that is what we experience, that when we give, it multiplies, it comes back to me. So, not only did I get back what I spent, but I got a lot more than that. We have to have trust in that. You receive your food, chapattis too, so what will happen? The more we give love, peace, a cheerful, beautiful smile, your smile will also increase, but you will also receive in return. So, all these things are understanding, believing, putting into action. Then see what the result is. Beautiful experiences will come in life.
Om Shanti