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Transcribed Classes

Ignorant of the Knowledge of Desires #15


Ignorant_of_Knowledge_of_Desires_15      Mohini_Didi      September 15, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

Okay, happy? Yes. Baba is taking us deep within, and to look at or do checking of what has been forming within us, whatever is coming up within us from our past sanskars. I remember that one time, one or two Dadis actually, they used to call us and say certain things. So one of Dadis said, “All are different, and everyone's capacity is different, everyone's way of doing things is different, but if you think they can do as much you’re doing, they should, the way you are doing, you will be disappointed many times in your life”. So we have our examples, we have to explain, what is the good way and the right way, but don't get disappointed ever, because this subtle, very subtle attitude of perfection, you want everything to be perfect but sometimes it is not right. So, then should I take sorrow, or get disappointed? I always know if I have to be a teacher, then I look at Brahma Baba, Shiv Baba as the Supreme Teacher. Every morning, everyday, Baba speaks to us, “Sweet children”. Even knowing that the children are sometimes not sweet, but He doesn't stop. So many years, “Children, be soul conscious, children, be soul conscious”. Of course I know Baba knew that it will take 80 plus years for children to reach that stage or to create the rosary of eight. I think Baba knew, but look at His love, His patience and the trust that one day we will become right. Baba keeps that vision towards us, of that perfection, complete stage, complete purity. So whatever He says, it is with a lot of love. Never, even very subtly, are there vibrations that He’s disappointed with us, or that He gave up on us. For every child, Baba had that love, that respect. I have seen souls who had no qualifications, but Baba made them qualified. They were young people, mothers from the villages, and they didn't know anything. Today they are sustaining the Yagya for years. So it's not a question of external, it’s love for Baba, love for Yagya. Those are the main qualifications actually. 

So Baba said to have no desire, altruistic attitude, no expectations. Just constantly be a good example so that others can be inspired. So Baba is saying that just as there is a long list of the different types of sorrow, very subtly it emerges, so too there are various desires for the fruit. Even for some subtle thoughts like, oh, I thought it would happen like that, I thought it would be like that. So, it's the response that Baba says you are unable to have an altruistic attitude. Even Baba says that whilst knowing the reward of effort, there is attachment to it. So Baba says that when you pay special attention to something, to someone who praises you, that too is like accepting fruit in a subtle way. Sometimes you like to hear, not necessarily praise, but how it was right. Today I went to Harmony House to offer bhog for Shradh. It was beautiful, everyone even during bhog time, I really felt good vibrations and everyone was sitting in love for Baba. Then I briefly shared what my present effort is and what Baba wants us to do. Then we did a few minutes of meditation together. It was very very powerful and loveful and I was very happy because together when you are able to do something and create the vibrations, everyone receives a lot. When we give we receive also. So I could just feel it and I could feel the faces of everyone, and when they came to take toli, I could see that everyone was so happy. Some people I had never seen smiling or laughing, but they were so happy. So every minute, if there is this attitude of receiving, seeing the reward, receiving the fruit. For others also sometimes we ask how it is received? Was it received properly? Not because of what I said, but it's the needs of the souls. We have to fulfil the spiritual needs, and once that soul experiences that needs are being fulfilled, then definitely good vibrations are there of contentment. Then we want everyone to feel happy, to feel together, to feel united. We just had a meeting for our USA group, all the instruments, and we were talking about sister Shivani's visit. Wherever, whatever help was needed, souls flew with 1500 tolis to be distributed. It's amazing, very touching. Whatever anyone needed this, they called and how they got connected and I was kind of happy but surprised and when that kind of love, sharing, no conflict, no division, no I and mine, Baba's task,  Baba’s task. So definitely there is a lot of joy, a lot of happiness, and we look forward to the future because we know that it's going to get better and better. So make our attitude unlimited, generous, and free from desires.

Om Shanti




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