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Transcribed Classes

Ignorant of the Knowledge of Desires #4


Ignorant_of_Knowledge_of_Desire_4          Mohini_Didi        September 4, 2024

Om Shanti!

Is everyone okay? Yes. You are okay, that's why you are here, right? So we have to keep okay. I have been seeing many of you, I should say most of you, for  4 1/2 years every evening you are there. For me also, if you can be there, why can't I be here? Some say that we are here because you come, so we have to be. So it's really kind of collective enthusiasm that every night we meet as a family. We meet, we greet, we say goodbye and good night, and so it's every night now. It has become our tradition. What will we do in the Golden Age in the evenings? Party! Not parties all the time, not cultural programs all the time, but there might be a tradition. During Baba's time there was night class at 8:20. Mama would come first to ask if we are okay, do we need anything? She would say a few things and then Baba would come every night and it used to finish on time, not like these days, it’s late. Then when we started staying at the centre, especially Didi Manmohini or every night, from 8, as soon as dinner finishes, clean up of kitchen and everything, we all have to come and sit together and to share how many came, what did you explain, what were the questions, what happened, and how you are. We all shared, everyone, and then we in the end played a song, and then I would sleep. That is missing these days. Everyone after dinner just goes into their room. We try, but sometimes that doesn't happen because I'm busy or I'm tired or whatever reason. So since Avyakti Parivar began, I started remembering those days, whether it was in the Yagya or at a centre, we always sat. After Avyakti Parivar we have a little bit of those who are around, just a little bit of sharing, and sometimes we eat ice cream also. There are some sisters, they like ice cream. So okay, let's have it. By 9:00 we are still free. So how do we continue or start this tradition of meeting together in the evening? Didi used to say, “Laugh together, cry together, if you have somebody's crying. So that next morning you are free, otherwise your thoughts continue. Today's situation, you are still thinking about tomorrow.” If you don't talk about it, maybe the situation doesn't get resolved immediately, but talking about it openly. Now I think that some places have core team meetings, but it's always about service. To have chit chat amongst ourselves as a family is really very important. So sitting together, even in a lokik family, the dinner time and after dinner is the time where everyone sits together, chat and share, and it's very important. So at least in Avyakti Parivar, we feel like we are concluding our day with something that is beneficial for all. 

I really like today when Baba is saying to take some areas where you really want to see your success. You know since I paid attention, this is the moment, this is the hour you have to do whatever in the best way, best capacity. Today we wanted to visit sister Champa’s class, Gita pathashala, because she had been asking. It’s been five or six years and I haven’t gone. So it takes about an hour and a half or two hours. So as soon as we went in, you had to offer Bhog to Baba. Bhog came and it was so beautiful, Baba’s sharing, Baba giving drishti to everyone. So you know when I was young, you know our training was through Didi Manmohini. One time even Dadi Prakashmani in Peace Park, we all sat and went to Baba. I said why will I go to Baba? So one Didi Manmohini told me to give some session or offer Bhog or something and I said that I need to know in advance. She said, “Are you the Ganges?” I said, “Yes.” So if a devotee comes and says, “Ganges, I want to take a dip.” Then the Ganges says, “Wait let me flow.” So she said, “Are you a pond? Are you a river? Are you a master ocean?” Since then I always remind myself that you cannot say, “I'm not ready, I have to prepare, give me another half an hour.” Brahma Baba used to take a few minutes in his room before guests arrive. Baba used to invoke Shiv Baba and he would come and start talking to them. So it is the same with all of us, let me do whatever I can. Anything I can do, whether listening or sharing or anything, the next morning Amritvela will be good. Whatever homework we are taking, for me, homework has become like a revision, a kind of churning, going deeper and feeling very connected with Baba and the family. 

So ‘image of success’, ‘embodiment of success’ and then Baba says, success is your birthright. You just claim it. So Baba says that you can only have the stage of being ignorant of all desires when you yourself are yuktiyukt - completely knowledgeful and constantly successful. That is called an image of success. Those who themselves are not embodiment of success, cannot fulfil the wishes of other souls. Those who are not full, will definitely have desires, because it is only after you have become full that you can have this stage of being ignorant of the knowledge of desire. It's both ways, what do we need? Let's say in Baba's kitchen, you write on the fridge or make a list, because you want Baba Bandara to be full. So we don't call that desire. This whole month will be the same topic, so we have enough time to figure out exactly, is it a desire, is it my task? I want to see that things are perfect, but it could be my desire. How do we do it collectively? These days I find that when we sit together and we talk about things, like how excellent, how good it will be if we work this way. If you tell one person it doesn't work. That is why I find sitting together is very important. Are you able to do it? During Dadi's time, Dadi would not sleep until we went to her at night time. Some go to their rooms, their bedrooms, they are tired or busy or it's not easy. Recently you know Brijmohan bhai called for something and he said, “I have a feeling you are making some subtle efforts.” So I said, “I always try to make some subtle efforts, because then you are happy, you feel full.” Then he said that he has started going to Baba's room, not sitting in Baba's proper yoga but then he went to Baba's room, he felt so good. Now every night I go to Baba's room to say goodbye to Baba and I'm feeling very good. So some kind of something is very important before we sleep. It is good to go into Baba's room, and say good night to Baba. 

Om Shanti




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