Ignorant_of_Knowledge_of_Desires_3 Mohini_Didi September 3, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
Everyone is okay! Yes, very well. Somebody asked me how I benefit from this program 'Avyakti Parivar’. I said, “I see it more as experience. It takes me to the Yagya, it takes me to the Dadis.” Of course Baba’s signals and homework are very useful, but for one hour we sit properly and see what our ancestor souls are saying. Many times it was Mama, then it was Dadi Prakshmani, it is really more of an experience of belonging to the Yagya. What does yagya mean? Their personalities, their vibrations, their purity had a completely different impact. So Avaykti Parivar is something, if one really just sits properly, some people say that I heard. It’s not a question of hearing, but more of experiencing everything. To put together this 40 minute program takes many souls hours to do. That one little video takes 4-5 hours for them. There are many who do it regularly. They take a lot of time to search and then put it together so they can show us. Even with the avyakt Murli, they have to find the old videos, and they have to change it. So there are 100+ Baba’s children, some experts, some learning. I really find that it is a very big commitment on their part. So that is why I just want to mention that I really appreciate their efforts. Like the translators, every day, every evening they are there. There is a lot of commitment just to create this program.
Do I have any desires? I am asking, do we have desire? What is the desire? To get Happy Village! Ram Prakash is waiting for the option to have. I am not waiting. I know at the right time it’s going to happen. If it’s ours, it will happen. Any other desires anyone has? Today Baba is saying they will be fulfilled. I just had the thought deep within of a course to reach our stage of perfection. Every moment should be like an experience of that joy and fulfillment. Especially when there is inner contentment, whether the bliss is ‘anandmai sthiti’. Anand means that which is beyond sorrow and happiness. So whenever I call anyone and they say, “I am okay.” I say, “I don’t want to hear that. Tell me if you are blissful.” So bliss is not that today I am happy because this happened, I got this done so I am very happy, then tomorrow I am not happy because this didn’t happen. So bliss is where you are beyond sorrow and happiness also. Sometimes happiness is achievement and the other is attainment. What do you achieve and what do you attain? Achievements are all external successes. I achieved this, this happened so I am very happy. Inner attainments are different from achievements. Our homework is to experience the power to face by becoming free from all desires or feel how your every desire is being fulfilled by Baba. Just be careful what desires you have. Some souls are satisfied with all attainments. How many of you are satisfied with all the attainments? Can I see hands? Automatically have the stage of being ignorant of the knowledge of desires. Those souls, instead of having any desires, have the power to face everything. They are able to fulfill anyone’s desires. If they themselves have desires, they cannot fulfill anyone’s desires. If they are good desires, right desires, Baba fulfills, because Baba is the One who knows what is good for us, what is needed by the soul. So just have pure thoughts instead of desires. Have pure thoughts and every pure thought gets fulfilled.
Om Shanti