Ignorant ofthe_Knowledge_of_Desires_7 Mohini_Didi September 7, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
How is everyone? Okay? Yes, we also had a beautiful day. We all have to be the conqueror of nature. For so many months, almost two years, in Peace Village, they had been planning for this day, and the forecast was rain in the afternoon. They had lots of tents outside, they were planning for many centers, everyone was so enthusiastic. It worked out well, it was very interesting, I think, very interactive. One is to give gyan and the other is based on knowledge to create activities. Whether it is young people, older or children, everyone, when they participate, takes a lot from that. One of the stalls was on concentration and I thought it was very good. Some of the very simple physical methods can also help to increase some of the abilities, but also in explaining the knowledge. It was a very good day, and a full house. Definitions are important, because clarity of something helps us to practically do it. For example, what is the definition of desires? Is it good wishes and desire, is it expectation, what is that? So for me, every day I just, kind of look at the definition of desires. Then also, what are the attainments? So do it for the whole month, it’s quite a long time, keep matching, because you might not be able to do it in a day. Baba says that one day the signal will come, so based on that signal, you should do your homework. This is very important. I read this, I read slowly so that I can absorb it and try to understand. It’s like Baba is saying, we have to be constant donors. Baba was a constant donor, but within the family it is very important to be donors, whether it is love, forgiveness, mercy, benevolence, whatever way. You look at that soul and see what that soul requires. We just spread the vibrations of that virtue. Check that I am not affected and also that I'm able to give. It takes time to see that I am not affected, and that I could just go quickly beyond or emerge a virtue or power. So first it is that virtue and definitely then the vibrations of that virtue spread also. So this way the family remains together. I have stayed with the souls who are very brilliant, very knowledgeful, but nature is different. I always say this is Baba's instrument, this is Baba’s child, and I was surprised to see in one of the stalls that they had a virtue wheel. So myself and Asha Didi were together in that stall, and they asked us to spin that wheel. So when I did, it stopped in the quality of tolerance. Asha Didi did it, and again it came as tolerance. So, I said for so many years as BK, you have to have tolerance, making negative into positive. Making something that is sad into happiness on a constant basis. That keeps up our capacity to give. Baba says that only those who have the stage of being ignorant of all desires can become constant donors. The Father who gave this on his own time and service. He himself was humble and gave respect to the children. He never mentioned His own name and glorified the name of others. He made the children the masters and kept Himself as the server. He gave away his fame, honor and the name of being a master. So follow Father in the same way and you will be able to create the stage of being ignorant of the knowledge of desires. So first Baba is saying when you are ignorant of desires, you can be great honors. Then He says, when you are great donors, the result will be ignorance of all the desires. So it is very detailed how Baba explains to us. So, for 24 hours we just focus on these few things in a subtle way, and say that I have to follow Father. That will definitely help us to maintain our stage, more clarity, more realizations, and a lot of changes in ourselves.
Om Shanti