Ignorant_of_the_Knowledge_of_Desires_9 Mohini_Didi September 9, 2024
Om Shanti!
Is everyone ok? Yes, we are all happy! I think that the most important effort is awareness. There is forgetting, remembering, forgetting, remembering, but when it becomes awareness, smrithi, that is all the effort, to maintain that awareness. My fortune, my attainments, my relationship with Baba. So it is just like you have to keep creating that awareness the whole day. Even if it's not there for a few hours, we can feel that energy goes down. Intoxication is less, and then we start feeling the effect of external situations and that is a lot. There are a lot of questions and we become very much affected. So what I notice is that it has to be more now. The way Manohar Dadi was saying that they were not even aware, they didn't remember anyone. So it must be because of the practice of awareness. Maybe we should make a list every day, and if it is not awareness, then something else will keep coming in the mind from the past or whatever reasons. So, we have to claim our birthright, at least whose child am I? Otherwise where do you get your birthright? How to feel full all the time with all attainments? It's awareness, right? Of course, with awareness, then attitude, then drishti, the whole world is completely different. So we will pay attention and see how we could feel that I have all attainments as my birthright. I think it requires a lot of practice. They also say the last stage is when there is total awareness, then all attachment has gone. Smrithi Nashtamoha, otherwise there are many subtle attachments. So how to be victorious? How to be consistent? Just keep creating awareness, and awareness is just a thought. That thought can help us to bring power. Baba is saying that all of us Godly children and the children of the Bestower, maintain the honor that all attainments are your birthright. So we will experiment the whole day tomorrow. Baba says to become a master bestower of fortune, master bestower of blessings, a master ocean, and experience such a powerful stage. Constantly practice the powerful stage of being ignorant of all desires. Just one desire, that is to be a master, I have to be a bestower. We won't call them desires because every day we have the definition and the understanding about desires. These desires are important. We need to have those desires, otherwise there is no enthusiasm, no motivation. So, maintaining all these pure desires brings all attainments. Even just to have all the attainments is also a big desire. We should have all the powers, all the virtues, good relationships, good contacts and prosperity. So, we have all of these desires because they are not connected with vices. You have to pay attention that it doesn't connect with any vice. So, Baba talked about purity, being completely altruistic and pure. That power will help to fulfill what Baba wants us all to do and become.
Om Shanti