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Have a loving intellect in order to become a victorious jewel #3


Updated: Sep 11, 2024

Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_3 Mohini_Didi           August 3, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

I have seen in many contexts, that whenever there is any problem or some situation where they cannot resolve, they start praying to God, even if they don't believe it. Naturally, they start calling out God. That means that even if there is no faith, no recognition, within the soul, that eternal relationship which the soul has with God they are always, always pulled. They always say, “Oh God, help me.” I remember that in our college school there used to be a lot of dialogue between believers of God and nonbelievers. So once it happened where they gave a chance to one of those who didn't believe. So this person stood up and he said, “Oh God help me to prove that you are not there.” So everyone started laughing. He said, “What did I say, that you are laughing? So the relationship with God is there in everyone, but we are so caught up into physical relationships that aren’t important. Even Baba says to forget them. This  means forget them as my uncle, my mother. My mother is my mother, right? Then I have Mother and Father, eternal, the Supreme One. I always felt that my roots are in God. That's where I am from, a divine, pure, lucky child. From the very beginning, internally, deeply, I felt within myself, that whatever I have, my feelings were that it is not from any human being. I don't see human beings as divine and pure. So it must be God. I am a creation of God. So we are recognizing Him as Creator also. So I'm just saying that our love is not just love, as we have in this world today, but it is true love. This love becomes such a strength. So it's not that Dadi Prakashmani had love only with Shiv Baba, but she also had a lot of love and respect and was very obedient, because the directions of Shiv Baba come through Brahma Baba, right? The love for both combined, we call BapDada. If I have to go do something, I go to others and ask, “What do you think?” So I get many opinions. Then I go to Baba, and Baba won't say anything. So Dadi said, “Baba, you didn't say anything.” Baba said,”but you already asked so many. So Baba thought it might be a burden for him to take an opinion from God and not follow it. Anything, anytime for good or adverse, our intellect goes to Baba first. Then, of course, the Dadis, and then the family, but there are some who go amongst themselves first. Baba remains quiet, Baba doesn’t mind, right? However, Baba won’t give his shrimat because you already got so many manmat and parmat, you already heard and you know you might do whatever they say, or one of them. So Baba doesn't give Shrimat that if you take something from God and don't follow, it will be more burden on you. Baba will remain quiet. So it's very subtle.

So it has been the love that goes into taking advice, then the trust, courage, their directions, everything connected with true love. So a loving intellect, it is not that we are talking about heart. A loving intellect means that the love of the intellect is always connected with the one Beloved. When you always have love for One, then you cannot forge your love with anyone else, or any possessions, because a loving intellect means to constantly experience BapDada to be personally in front of you. Those who are always in front of BapDada can never turn away from Him. So, it’s very beautiful. One time, I started having a little bit of pain, and I said, “I am not going to tell them, but I need a doctor, or because we didn't know the system and everything. So, I thought that the best thing is to lie down, and then I slept, and I went to Madhuban. I still remember, when I reached Madhuban it was Avyakt BapDada’s day in the dream. So Dadi said, “Oh, you have come all the way, everyone move, let her meet Baba first.” So Baba just took me in His arms and then after some time I woke up and there was no pain. So we use Baba as everything, even our doctor because, I don't know, we didn't have a lot of money or anything, to tell your host that I'm not well. You know, for them to spend money on us or but later on, even one of his friends was a doctor, a very good circle, good people were there. So, I think when there is love for Baba, He is our strength, He is our support, and anytime you can ask any BK who had been sent abroad not knowing anyone. They would say, “Okay Baba, let's see what you want.” Then the company of Baba was always there and everything worked very well. 

Om Shanti



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