Harmonizing_Sanskars_23 Mohini_Didi April 23, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
How many of you like to watch the Drama, and how many of you like to play in the Drama? How many like to be actors and play? How many like to watch the Drama? The answer is that some are saying both. Baba says, “Bindu, full stop, and that is Drama.” That requires a lot of trust and patience. Trust in Drama is definitely beneficial. Drama will always support me. Drama is there to cooperate with me. So you have to love the Drama as an actor, and also as an audience. These days, for me, I like to watch the Drama more, because sometimes we instantly react to a lot of things. One is playing my part, the other is reacting to situations, to people, people's nature, and circumstances. If you look at Brahma Baba, he would say,” Wonderful Drama or Wah Drama Wah, Wah Baba.” He was always very pleasant with Drama. He was never bitter about anything. So, we can observe Drama and see the benefit. If we immediately react and we don’t get the right kind of response for that reaction, we lose our self-respect, then we get irritated or we get upset. Will that help in any way? Especially when we lose our faith or have wasteful thoughts, we feel very lost, but we could stay calm, cool, detached observers, and look at Drama, enjoy drama,especially at Confluence Age. How much time is left? Even if we have to work hard, we have to do a lot of service, but internally we should be very joyful, very light. That’s really the beauty of this Brahmin life, that we can remain light. Baba says that you are being sustained by God, and we do feel how we are being sustained. Every step there are right directions, right teachings that Baba gives, if you follow properly. Baba said that if you are obedient, faithful, Baba’s love is there all the time. So, appreciate your fortune. Every one of us is fortunate, and we have been given a beautiful part to play. Just play being very light, and in a joyful way. Then it will be easy to just use dots many times a day. Do what you have to do, and then just full stop. That's Drama. Sometimes we don’t have the patience to watch the scenes of Drama. You have to watch what part I am playing. Is that accurate or is it only my responsibility? You cannot change the script of the Drama. I cannot write the script, but I can play my part accurately. I have been churning a lot on this. So many little situations arise, how much should I get into that? How much should I respond or think about it? Whatever is my part, I do it, and after that, just use a full stop and observe. Then right things will happen, something beneficial will happen.
So, Baba keeps saying to use the three dots. We have to play with the three dots and take full benefit. That is what Baba says is earning more income. Every dot you put is one thousand, then ten thousand. That has to be our experience at the Confluence Age. Some people have natural tolerance. It’s not forcing themselves. Those who have self-respect, self-trust, they have a lot of tolerance. Their tolerance could be emotional, could be physical, they adjust well. Even if they go through something, they will look as if nothing was big for them. They tolerated easily.They remain secure and safe and okay. So, these days Baba is giving signals and getting us to prepare for whatever has to happen in the future, but we will be very stable. Sometimes I find that when I am hungry, I want to eat, then I hear my younger sisters saying, “Can't you wait for a little while?” No. I am hungry, I want to eat, and then for a few seconds I think, “It’s okay, what is there?” When you use a full stop of any kind, there is a solution, there is power, there is income. So, Baba’s avyakt signal is to become the incarnation of tolerance. Always remember that I have to change myself, not the place or others, and always become the incarnation of tolerance. Adjust yourself, but don’t keep yourself away, even if someone is totally anti. Experiment on that with the full force of your good wishes. So this way, keep time but there will definitely be success and this will make you a bead of the rosary of victory. Every step in every scene of the Drama, you have to be victorious. How will we be victorious? Our responses. One time Dadi Janki was defining responsibility as the ability to respond. How do you respond? Do you get nervous? Do you get discouraged? Do you remain in self-respect and respond to any situation with inner stability? Have faith in Baba, trust in Drama. My response is my responsibility!
Om Shanti