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Transcribed Classes

Manmanabhav - Free from Bondage of the Mind #9


Manmanabhav_9 Mohini_Didi April 9, 2022

Om Shanti!

Everyone is okay? Happy, light? Yes, very good! I am seeing beautiful expressions, it seems like Baba has kept every member of Avyakti parivar very well. You have determination that you want to be in Avyakti parivar every evening, so that thought is being fulfilled. The more we think about the mind, we think there could be the gift that the right thought comes at the right time, and one feels very happy later on. Many times, I just have a thought to make a call, it could be an international call, generally there are so many calls. I dial, and then from the other side, they will say that this is the time we really needed that call, we wanted to hear your voice. If you keep thinking, then because of attachment, you will not know the right time to call. In attachment, you keep thinking, and when you are detached, you get the right thought at the right time. Whatever practices we do during the day, how many times, how consistent, I have to prepare my mind. Energy of the mind is very important on our journey. This is the thought that creates the link with Baba at the right time. So, when we start recognizing the energy of the mind, we start taking care of it. So, our wandering of mind has definitely stopped, right?

There are many pulls of the mind. I always think that we are at the Confluence Age, and Baba gives us so much, so many treasures, and bestows us with fortune. So, I make myself free, let myself feel that joy. Otherwise, you are busy, and you don’t give yourself even half the experience of super sensuous joy, or Baba’s love. So, for a few days I have been just making my intellect free, I say I just want to be with Baba at the Confluence Age. I have love for Baba, I know I am Baba’s instrument, but I don’t give time to myself to enjoy that, because we constantly keep the intellect busy. I am always thinking that I have to do this, I have to do that. It will always be like that. Is there anyone who doesn’t have enough to do? When will I have that joy, when will I experience that real belongingness? So, this is like mantras, when your mind is pulled. You do it in the morning, before sleeping, but even during the day, there is often this pull now. To feel that pull, you have to keep your mind detached and lovely, you have to keep it free, free in the sense that it shouldn’t be working now. I have been observing how the mind can be working based on bondage. Let’s say somebody is thinking negatively about you, do you feel the pull? Someone said, “I don’t feel good vibrations from that soul”. I say that we can change it, and this is the time to work with good wishes to change, settle, and finish it. Don’t say, “Why is this happening, why does she have to be like that?” No, I just have to have loveful vibrations for her. I have to have good vibrations, finish it. If there is any attachment there, the mind is full. I don’t have much experience of that, but you notice where these thoughts are coming from. What am I responding to? What am I creating? So, when Baba says to be detached and lovely, it means now your mind will respond in a detached and lovely stage.

So, manmanabhav and all the different stages help us to look at our mind, look at how it is functioning. Baba always wants that your mind should be touched at the right time to do the right thing. One sister was sharing this morning in the annual meeting of India. She is the coordinator helping with a hospital in Bombay. She said, “I decided that I will take every call, whether it is covid or anything, any call I have, I will take it.” Generally, people will call the hospital, but if they call her, it must be important. So, this sister would take every call. She was mentioning how they were able to manage emergencies, and give 45,000 vaccinations, just with charity from the hospital. She also said that Dadi Prakashmani always used to say to give a person a good place to stay and good food to eat. So, the doctors came at 7am and worked the whole day, but when they went home, their parents and families were getting covid. So, she decided to give them a whole floor and in the morning a good breakfast, and they would work day and night. She didn’t have enough oxygen cylinders one time, so she called a company and they sent a truck load of cylinders. It was the same with anything she called for, immediately the response came. So, I am just giving an example that if you keep a thought, not only are you serving, but also the cooperation that you get, like she said, “It’s just a flow of supplies, and everything started happening with that thought.” So, it is the same in our lives. If I say, ”I always have to say yes to this, I always have to do it”, then there is bondage of the mind. She was so proud to tell us, and we were also so happy with her generosity. She didn’t say that it’s night time or day time or from where money will come. She just had a pure thought and everything started happening.

So, see how the mind is getting thoughts from Baba, and they work according to the time, the needs of the soul. Suddenly, you feel while in remembrance of Baba, that someone needs saakash. Even at night when I wake up, I just sit in Baba’s remembrance and I don't know who needs help. We have to serve through the mind now and whenever we want, but there might be during the day or during the night, someone who needs help. So, if I am in service, freedom of the mind can help me to be a good server, and a good bestower. It feels like sacrifice, but it actually feels good, that commitment. So, when I say it keeps the mind free from the bondage, it has a lot to do with our capacities. These capacities can only grow if I am not under the control of weak thoughts. I remember one time Dadi called me and wanted me to go to Malaysia. So, I called the embassy, and they said that it takes two days because it’s a Muslim country, and they check before they give you visa. Dadi said, “No, you can get there within 24 hours, you go and tell them.” The way Dadi used to speak, you knew you could do it, you just go and say it the way she did. So, I always remember her words, that there is power in your determined thoughts, and this can make impossible into possible. If we keep our thoughts only on waste, we don't know how much we can do. So, have elevated thoughts, generous thoughts, unlimited thoughts, and see how they get fulfilled. So, it is very interesting to work on your own mind and see where it is going, which direction. Which call is the mind taking? It is serving, and so the true happiness of serving as a bestower is experienced.

Om Shanti



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