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Master of the treasure of all types of happiness #7


Become_a_Carefree_Emperor_7                 Mohini_Didi                 March 7, 2024   

Om Shanti!

Very Happy Shiv Jayanti and also Jayanti of all the Brahmin family, unlimited family, a big family. You can make a long list of how many types of happiness we have. I remember one time Baba told us to make the list of sorrows in Kalyug and make the list of happiness in the Golden Age. How many types of happiness, happiness of mind, of health, relationships, all the attainments? So, are you happy? Are all your treasures full? So, we have to remember our fortune. Daily when we think Baba has adopted us, Baba has given us this fortune, one thinks, “What have I done that’s so special?” Now we know that last kalpa, every kalpa, we get the treasures of happiness. Baba is saying that you are the master. Before you attain the fortune of the kingdom in the future, you are at present an emperor of the land without sorrow. Now that’s a big point to think about. No sorrow will touch you. Let there not be any waves of sorrow, even in your thoughts. Sometimes we could remember something someone said that could cause sorrow, but Baba said no, not even in your thoughts. You have come away from the land of sorrow and are now at the Confluence Age. Emperor of the land without sorrow means one who is the master of the treasures of all types of happiness. The treasures of happiness are the birthright of Brahmins. I have attained what I wanted to attain. So maintain this intoxication and happiness. How do you feel after listening about what Baba wants us to know, intoxication, happiness? So maintain that.

Om Shanti



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