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Newness of greatness#15


Sweetness_and_Love_15                      Mohini Didi                   February 15, 2024   

Om Shanti!

Baba’s lovely, sweet children. One thing everyone loves in life is something unique, something different, something alokik, spiritual, and something new. Anything you go to, any industry, they want to create new designs, new colors, new combinations of colors. It’s like when we see something new, and we say that it's great, it's different. Then when it comes to one’s own personal life, when it comes to our thoughts, our words, actions, and interaction with others, we want to bring some newness, to have elevated thinking. Like one day before, I had some kind of feelings which were not so elevated towards anyone, because of the personality from the past. Whatever that person is emerges and you don’t feel that much love, but as soon as you listen to this, your feelings towards that person will become elevated. That means my good wishes, and my feelings towards that person will be much different. So, it’s a very beautiful way to bring, to be elevated in our thoughts, words, and actions. This is considered to be greatness. Baba is giving us this homework to look at the self, improve, progress, the newness of greatness. We need to check daily, not once in a week. Check daily how much newness of greatness you have in your thoughts and words. Let there be good wishes and pure feelings in your mind. This could also be protecting yourself from creating any karmic accounts. Whatever that person is, you should interact with good feelings, pure feelings in the mind, sweetness, contentment, newness of easiness in your words. So, words of Brahmin souls cannot be ordinary. Always have Madhuban and Baba of Madhuban with you and you will continue to experience sweetness. Everyone of you comes and sits in front of Baba. You find the feelings in your heart are very sweet, very loving, very elevated. Baba wants us to improve, progress, and be more and more elevated. To be more elevated is the newness, the greatness.   

Om Shanti



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