Treasure_of_Happiness_5 Mohini_Didi May 5, 2024
Om Shanti!
Everyone is okay? You all had a good weekend? How many kumars are sitting here? Let's see the hands. I was remembering the story or learning from one of the kumars, and he is now our big brother. Of course Nirvairbhai is there and Brijmohanbhai is there. Nirvairbhai was in Bombay and Brijmohanbhai was in Delhi. So I was a lot more in contact with Brijmohanbhai. I think he was working as an accountant. When he finished his studies, he got a good job. There was a place where they were building a very big dam. So he wanted to open a center. Baba asked me if I could go, but then there was some Drama. I didn't go, but the other Mohini, the one who was in Madhuban, went there and the center was started. So like Baba is saying mind, body and wealth. So Brijmohanbhai took his first salary and gave it to Baba and Baba didn't take it. He said, “Child, keep it wherever they need help or whenever the Yagya needs it, we will let you know. So he was a little bit hesitant but Baba never took money like that. Baba wanted us to keep motivated and active. Anyone who opens a center on the main road where there are embassies and all government offices, Baba would pay half the rent. So, anyway we thought let's take that challenge, we found a very good building. It was under construction, so the owner of the building gave us a very reasonable rent. He used to live in Germany but he would come once in a while to collect the rent. So then Brijmohanbhai came and gave a big check. So I said, “How come it’s you?” He said that Baba sent this for the center, Baba had promised half the rent. So we took it because Baba had said, and of course at that time, we couldn't pay that much rent. It was like 2,200 but then other expenses of water and electricity. So when Baba says give everything to Baba including wealth, money, so some might think but if I give everything, how will I live? What is my future? You know many thoughts can come, but it's just like when you surrender to Baba and how Baba not only sustains you but keeps providing in many many different ways.
So we all have that experience, and I just thought I would share that story. Then to be obedient, I have this experience because I always said yes to Baba. Sometimes they were big tasks, sometimes small, but an understanding gets created where even when Baba gives direction, He will look at the child, not that everyone gets the same direction. There are certain principles Baba will explain, like should I drink tea at work or not? Should I accept whatever I have to eat or drink with my boss? Baba will give a different answer. He would tell Rameshabhai, you shouldn't drink tea, they’re your clients, it's up to you, but Brijmohanbhai’s boss was there, so he had to if he was drinking tea together, he would drink. Baba said that you are allowed to drink. So someone said, “Baba, why two directions?” Baba says that He has to look at your circumstances, and based on that, Baba will give directions. We generally never say no to the Dadis for anything. We always felt they were guiding us, and they were helping us to create our fortune. Dadi Janki would immediately understand that I said this, but she would change and then say, “No, do this.” It was like what was in our mind, she would let us do it. So, these are some of the practical experiences, and that is why one should always say, “Okay, I will do it, let me try it.” Of course you will do it with faith and love, and you will always have a very beautiful experience. I'm sure when I am speaking, many of you are thinking of some of the memories coming back from the past when Baba gave direction, and you did it. Even if it seemed difficult, it became very practical and beneficial. So, whenever we listen, listen with the thought that I will do it, let me do it, and see the results. What are the experiences, what are the attainments? That's actually how I lived my life, and many of us as well.
Now another most important subject which Baba always talks about, different relationships with Baba, where not only you never feel lonely, but you also remain very joyful. Now we have an unlimited big family, so we can share happiness, joy with the family, but there are some souls who still feel lonely because they want an intimate relationship. If there is love, and you really share love, your love, receiving love, it's very joyful. If you want to just stay alone, you’re not friendly, you don't want to have a conversation, you will feel lonely. So, you can try different relationships with Baba. I thought that because of my relationships with Baba, I'm able to be happy with everyone. In the lokik world or spiritual Brahman world, you really feel that you can get along with everyone, you can share joy and happiness with everyone. It’s like there is a lot of joy in sharing. So, the practice Baba is giving us which we will again underline for tomorrow, is to ‘remain combined in different relationships’. As soon as we wake up, it’s parents, and my for me, so much real love emerges for my Mother and Father. Then of course He's teaching, so I listen to Murli after Amritvela, then I listen to Murli being read in Harmony House. One is in Hindi, one is in English, because listening to Murli is different, but then I like reading Murli because if you have to make notes, you have to read and study. So Baba is the Teacher, and I find every word of knowledge has so much depth. Every time you listen to the same Murli, you don't feel that you are listening to the same Murli. My level of understanding has increased, my intellect has become more clean. So it's different every day, and our listening is completely different every day. It means something different to me every day, and the attainments are different too. So what Baba is saying to perform every action while considering yourself to be combined. and you will always remain powerful, and also experience yourself to be entertaining in your nature. You will not experience any type of loneliness, because those who remain combined in different relationships always experience this to be entertaining and remain happy. That should be our experience, too.
Om Shanti