Give_Blessings_Receive_Blessings_12 Mohini_Didi November 12, 2023
Om Shanti everyone!
Happy Diwali! Everyone's diya - the lamp, connection with Baba, is ever ignited. Negative energy creates darkness, and anything that is negative generally is very very dark. So, in order to remove the obstacles that are created because of the darkness of ignorance, light is ignited. Knowledge is light, truth is light, love is light. So through truth, through knowledge, through love, all positive thinking, positive virtues are like igniting the light. When we ignite the light, then darkness is removed and there won't be any obstacles. So, what are the obstacles? Like if you are going somewhere to give a talk, do service, while getting ready, there is a black out and you find there is no light. So what should you do at that time? Try to get the light, ignite the light. So in our personal life or in service, when there is internal weakness or internal darkness then what do we do? We try to ignore it. See what creates darkness, not only compared to light. Sometimes it is a lot of shadows, influences, and that is also compared to darkness or obstacles. Always think auspicious, elevated thoughts, then we will find that we are free from obstacles. At every step, ignite the internal light.
Some are obstacles that are from outside, some obstacles are very subtle. So Baba is saying the true service is to be free from obstacles. When the service you do is free from obstacles, you automatically accumulate marks for doing service that is free from obstacles. When Baba says marks here, He means extra marks. When you give others happiness through your thoughts, words, or actions you accumulate marks. Therefore be an embodiment of happiness, give and receive happiness. Give blessings and receive blessings, this doesn't require any effort. You will very quickly become a conqueror of Maya. It's interesting to see that one of the methods to be conqueror of Maya is to give and receive happiness. Second, give and receive blessings. I really like it because it is service. Now when you are giving knowledge to serve others, knowledge is considered light, and that means you are igniting the light. Generally, when you want someone to be awake, you turn on the light. Giving knowledge is to bring light because light is very important. Light is also considered to be very auspicious, and that is why in the evening at homes in the families when they turn on light, they bow to the light. One is of course electrical light which we turn on in the evening but there is sunlight, there is moonlight, light of stars and most important is the light of your eyes. Then there is the light of the third eye, where we are able to see our inner path, our destination, our future, the future of the world. Also, it is through this third eye, the light of the third eye that you are able to see Baba. Many ask me, “Can we see God?” I say, “Of course, but your lenses have to be refined.” It's not through the external physical lens that you can see God or the soul.
Many times I find when Baba's children are all together and doing meditation, the room becomes so bright and everything looks so bright. It's the purity, the light of purity, the light of truth, so many types of lights there. So ignite the light and celebrate. Celebrate life, celebrate family, good relationships, resources, nature, many things we can celebrate. So, Baba is saying that there shouldn't be any obstacles. As I said, obstacles are from darkness, from ignorance, from ego, anything, any vice, any traces of vices are negative and they create obstacles. So it's very beautiful to keep the aim that I will not let any obstacles disturb us. Now, let us continue with the service.
Om Shanti