Stay_in_AvyaktSilence18 Mohini Didi Jan 18th, 2024
Om Shanti
Baba’s multi-million fortunate children, most valuable ones. We think we are trustees or Baba makes us trustees. I could just say I am trustee, or we surrender and then Baba said be trustee. There are many who just say well, I am a trustee. We also have the example of Brahma Baba who surrendered and then Baba said be a trustee. So, it’s double. I offer myself, everything to Baba. As I was giving an example of many in yagya, people like Ramesh Bhai and all these families, they wanted to surrender to Baba and then they will say this is what I have, this is what I want to give, what Baba will say. Baba never took it. Just be a trustee, Baba will give directions. So, that means whether it’s my time or thoughts or resources, they belong to Baba and then Baba makes me trustee. Then I use it according to Baba’s directions. Baba wants us to be double light. These days subtly we carry this worry, this concern and sorrow. Baba says,”why are you carrying this, why are you carrying the burden, be light”. When you are light, you can receive light from Baba. If there is heaviness, you can’t receive Baba’s love or Baba’s light. Baba wants us to receive from Baba. Baba says I have to come to give all what I have. I want to make you complete with all the treasures. Baba wants to give all his love. He is Ocean so he wants to make us Master Ocean children. What do children want, they say that I don’t have this, I can’t do this. Baba said it's difficult, impossible. These words won’t come out of your mouth if we are trustees. Baba tells us the qualities, the powers that we will experience when we are trustees. So, we look at that and then do our checking and move forward.
Baba says that big machines work with electrical functions. All of you also continue to perform every action on the basis of having a connection and being a stable light. Be a double light. When you have a double light stage, the words hard work, difficult finishes. When you finish the consciousness of I and have the awareness of being a trustee and be on Godly service, you will remain double light. While doing karma yoga, I am not doing it for anyone, it’s Godly service. So, Baba’s power, Baba will make it happen. Everything will become easy. Once we bring Baba word, everything becomes very easy. So, tomorrow for homework, we will practice, look into that, and have experiences.
Om Shanti