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Transcribed Classes

The dance of harmonizing sanskars #10


Transforming_Old_Sanskars_10 Mohini_Didi October 10, 2024

Om Shanti!

Everyone okay? We are in Shantivan.The Peace of Mind retreat went very well. It was very full. It was very good. So many, when they shared their experiences, they really went very transformed. There were a lot from, I think, Asian countries, this time. I didn’t see much from the west, there were some from all over, but mostly from Asian countries.They all took a lot because souls are able to take a lot, and then those who are giving feel very satisfied. So most of the teachers were saying that everyone took a lot. It was very good.They became part of Gyan Sarovar. Now sevadharis for Baba’s meeting are arriving, because generally they come at least 10 days before to prepare for food and security, boarding, lodging, and accommodations. So they are all doing that, and you all also must be invoking Baba. Let’s see what Baba has to say in the month of October. We are expecting a large number of double foreigners. Some have been staying since they came for Peace of Mind and some are leaving. Baba is talking about nature. Even though we are in the Iron Age, tamopradhan age, the souls from the Golden Age will still have good sanskars; purity, love, divinity, peaceful, and their nature also will be a good nature.They will have kindness, but also the one word which they use here is easy. Actually, it could also be a serene nature. Serenity is a very good quality where you don’t have doubts.You don’t think negatively. There is natural love and good wishes for everyone. So Baba is saying to have an easy nature. At Holi, people hug one another. In the same way, we harmonize the sanskars in the auspicious meeting here. Know the sanskars of one another and have love for one another, stay in harmony. You get along very well with that person. In the same way, in order to mix with one another, have an easy nature, as you are knowledgeful. Easy nature is easy. Some people will say that it’s very difficult to get along with this one. Look at the good aspects of that person, the specialities, because every soul has a lot of good qualities. So our attitude, our outlook, our way of seeing people, even very cruel people in history, a lot of people would describe their kindness, and how they are so soft, so gentle. So we have to keep our nature very cool, very calm, and very easy. Everything moves very smoothly. So today’s homework is easy nature, serene nature.

Om Shanti



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