The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_12 Mohini_Didi October 12, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
It's so beautiful what brother Nirvair is saying that now is the time to create golden aged sanskars, golden aged vision, satopradhan golden age stage, not get caught up into little little things. If we have something higher to do, then automatically we get detached, go above, and think differently. We are too much in the gross and Baba also said about the subtle region, that our Baba is there. It's very good in Peace Village, we have a lot of gardens, a lot of trees. So you can walk around and think about the Golden Age. What I think about first is the climate. The air will have the fragrance of flowers, many natural flowers, queen of the night and different names are given. Especially at night time when you pass very near to those trees, you can smell the fragrance. So there are many natural things, even the colors of the flowers are very beautiful. It's a combination of nature, human nature, and material nature. It is human nature which creates nature, but it could also be the elements. Nature helps us to have a good nature, and that is why to be surrounded by plants and trees and is very healthy for the mind and the body. There are certain spiritual practices where we create a balanced personality and stage free from wasteful thoughts. This is after spending some time and seeing how my thoughts are really going towards that direction more than necessary. So your attention is drawn and you yourself start changing, especially if you are busy in practice. Not only does your stage improve, but your dharna, inculcation, also improves. Like our Brahma Baba was so sweet and gentle, very human. When he walked and talked, you could feel the royalty. So we never had to tell anyone that Baba is from a good family or it was so visible. That's what Baba said in the previous Murli, to reveal yourself, that is the work, our words and our thinking, a lot of characteristics. So, each one of us has to not only pay attention, but have a creative personality that is very balanced. One of the balances that Baba is asking us to create is the balance of being a child and master. If you have a problem becoming a child, you will still have a problem being a master because you are very attached to the way you think, which is not good. Respectfully, humbly, you play the part as a master but also just be a child.
In order to perform the dance of harmonising sanskars, there has to be the virtue of being a child and a master. To the same extent, to be a child means to be free from any other thought. Whatever order you receive, to be a master means to give your advice. You can give your advice, but when you become a master then you should be a child also. The highest position is of an advisor, a consultant. So when we belong to Baba, we will be asked for advice right. So very humbly respectfully you say what you feel, and that is like your stage of being master, and then being child. So, Baba says that if there is a conflict, if you are not in balance, there is conflict of sanskars. So therefore become a master, give your advice, but then when everything is finished, just become a child. Some souls leave the meeting very upset, some leave the meeting very disappointed, and some leave very happily because they are in balance. So be a master but also a child.
Om Shanti