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The dance of harmonizing sanskars #13


The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_13 Mohini_Didi October 13, 2024

Om Shanti!

Everyone is happy and doing well? Many times Baba says that the most important quality is determination. For doing anything, we need determination, whether it is in lokik life or spiritual life. I know there are so many from the very beginning who say that I can't meditate because I don't have determination. Many people immediately say that I don't have determination because they think determination is forcefully doing something. Each one of us has to think from where is my determination coming? Determination could be resilience, determination could also be stubbornness. It's like doing forcefully, but actually we have to be very natural. If you do anything from your heart, there is determination. If you do only through the intellect, then it takes time. We see that Baba gives the example that when you have love for someone, you don't need determination to remember that person. Determination could be to forget that person, not remember, because it's from the heart, and the heart has more power than the intellect. So Baba says to look at your sanskars, old sanskars. So I took a little time to see what sanskars. There are the sanskars of giving up, right? I'm about to reach the goal and a few minutes before I'm very tired and I said, “Oh, I can't manage, I can't continue.” So we need determination in many things. Baba is saying to make a firm promise. Whatever sanskars you have over a long period of time becomes your final stage because Baba keeps saying that we need long term practice. For me, whenever I want to inculcate, I always look at Brahma Baba. Brahma Baba's regularity speaking Murli for Shiv Baba, it's okay, but at this age Brahma Baba was in his 80s. Every morning Baba was present in class until the last day. Just imagine how much determination it required. Evening I can understand, and I also do, but when it comes to the morning, Baba used to be very fresh. He woke up at 2:30, 3:00. So some kind of inner determination, inner strength was there, and that is why he was able to do it. That also becomes a sanskar and then it helps you to continue. If you do it one day and not the second day, then it won't work.

When someone is leaving their body, if they have had strong sanskars such as those of eating, drinking, wearing good clothes etc., Baba says those sanskars come in front of them in their final moments. So we have to make sure that in the end, my intellect is not pulled towards anything, just go very free and whatever you have to do, charity, do it in your lifetime. Some people keep, reserve, and some say let me do it now while I am alive. Anyway, they will use it or give a donation, but if I use it then I earn a fortune. It's a very different kind of thinking. So what Baba is saying is that those sanskars come in front of them in their last moments. This is why the sanskars of forgetfulness and being defeated have to be finished from now. For this, make a firm promise in yourself that I will not allow these sanskars and these waste thoughts to emerge. Baba says that those who make such a firm promise will be victorious in the end. So to claim victory, we require firm thoughts. Maya will try to shake us. So we also have to remind ourselves, I am determined. I am Angad, unshakable. That is why Baba uses three words: unshakeable, steady, and consistent. If we want to be consistent, then we have to be steady. This is a very beautiful point and we can share more about it.

Om Shanti



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