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The dance of harmonizing sanskars #16


The_Dance_of_Harmonizing_Sanskars_16      Mohini_Didi      October 16, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

Okay, everyone is well? Our wellness is our progress, improvement, and transformation. Not just okay, but better. That's why Baba gives us homework, to practice or exercise, whatever we call it. It's very interesting that Baba wants us to go beyond “I and mine”. So how do I make it practical, and how do I know that I am practicing soul consciousness enough, or even if I am doing it or not? I think that when we practice soul consciousness, then the eternal qualities of the soul will be more evident, and it will be the nature of the soul. Our nature depends on soul consciousness. Can you stay peaceful all the time? Is your percentage of purity increasing? Take any quality, if it's more visible whether in your personal life or in relationship with others, that means you are practicing soul consciousness. I was thinking that amongst ourselves, those who live together, during traffic control, if we maybe remind each other that we have to practice soul consciousness. We take maybe 10 qualities and take one in every traffic control. I am a loveful soul. Just three minutes of practice. I am a peaceful soul. So like this, take a quality of the soul and practice for a few moments, and we will see. Instead of doing it in the morning and then in the evening and then I forget all day or I do remember often but not consistently. So the thought came in my mind that we can experiment today by reminding each other of which quality we are taking. So we can try this practice, because with practice, the stage will be created. Then it's not only ‘I’ that is transformed, but you're going beyond ‘mine’ also. If the self is not transformed, then ‘mine’ will also not go, it will remain all the time. So let's experiment. 

If the consciousness is changing then the old matters, old sanskars, should be experienced to be something of the past. Many times we try to remember even what happened in the morning or noon, we don't remember, and it should be like that. So Baba said that all name and trace should finish. For this, be beyond, first with your intellect, because you shouldn't keep coming back to this happened, this one said this. So that means we are accumulating, but be beyond with your intellect, go beyond with your sanskars, go beyond even the consciousness of this is my sanskars. Go beyond the thought ‘I think’. When the word ‘I’ comes, remember ‘BapDada’. When you think, ‘this is my understanding’, then remember Shrimat. So it's very useful. This is the first lesson and the last one. The first lesson we learned is ‘I am a soul’ and the last lesson is perfection, 100% awareness, and you are free from all attachment. If you are fully in the awareness of ‘who am I’, there won't be any attachment. We try to be free from attachment without empowering our consciousness of ‘I’. Sometimes attachment with the body appears, sometimes relationships, and different things emerge. If we really want to be alokik and free from all attachments, we have to increase the practice of soul consciousness. Now what has happened, especially for old ones, they think, “Oh, I am doing enough practice” or “I have become that.” As I said, if you have become that, then your sanskars should be of eternal nature, original nature. So, I think I feel we should do it properly for 24 hours, and if you feel good, you would want to continue. As I said, this is very important. I definitely feel very inspired that we will do that, so that we can go beyond, and we can be free from attachment. Then there is no effort, and there is accomplishment. Baba says that you can get sidhi if there is vidhi. So, if I practice this method, then automatically the stage will be like that. So we all collectively keep the aim to go beyond ‘I and mine’. All the conflicts will end, internal and external. 

Om Shanti 



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